Thursday, January 7, 2016

Forecast for Friday 8 January 2016

Friday 8 January 2016

\No Clingy Stuff/

Moon in Capricorn   * | 
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 5:10a PT | 8:10a ET | 1:10p UT   ** 

A few things may be loosening up to make us feel a little better.

The Mercury Retrograde period (January 5 to 25) is always good for confused perspectives, which one can probably notice in other people more easily than in oneself. Over decades I have found myself reading about and thinking about paranormal things during the MR times. Often it has been "space aliens" or UFOs. It happened again this time, totally unexpectedly. I do not put a lot of stock in the grandiose claims or speculations about UFO activity or abductions or the like. I do not deny that any of it has happened and yet it is so hard to get any solid evidence that it seems truly a "Mercury retrograde" phenomenon. Is it true or not? is an MR question. 

This time I returned a book on Angels (I don't recommend it although I am open-minded about angels) to the public library and as usual browsed in the new books, and found one by Milton William Cooper, although it was not at all new, from 1991. Behold a Pale Horse is the title (Book of Revelation). I actually spent a few hours perusing this until I decided it was a little too nutty for me. Cooper sounds sincere and yet his claims about UFO and extraterrestrials sound grossly exaggerated and are often presented without a shred of verifiable evidence. That is just about par for the course in that "field." 

He is also, it turns out, a "militia man" who is all for everyone having guns and for no government interference in that "right." The book, I found out online (Wikipedia), has had a large influence on the "militia movements" in the U. S. and also on the Saucer people (for lack of a better term). I do not despise all this, some of it is interesting and some even possibly credible, but too much is suspicious or downright absurd. Mercury Retrograde with a vengeance! 

I am sure that you and many others will also delve into the questionable reaches of the "paranormal" during this Mercury Retrograde period. Fortunately, Mercury's trine with Jupiter, which shall increase again as the Winged-Footed-one moves backward, will help us to discern truth from falsehood. Perhaps my spending a few hours on this book was not a mistake because it is good to know what millions of people believe sometimes. It is also possible, during these periods, to become aware of the "real" paranormal even if it is impossible to convince anyone else about it.

There is also mind-boggling behavior to observe. Last night a neighbor knocked on my door. I had never spoken with him. He informed me that the FBI was going to be investigating some of his claims that he was being spied upon or stalked. He politely asked if I had been doing surveillance on him or recording or videorecording his movements! All right, if this is something real in his mind, I am not complaining about it but I reassured him I knew nothing about it. Here is another obvious example of MR, that is, "Is it true?" in a way that boggles the mind. One wonders sometimes if it is someone else or oneself that is going crazy.

The moon in Capricorn today should help us keep our feet on the ground. Venus closing in on Saturn is something we have discussed several times. It can be the "lovelorn" aspect but this time I feel it is more like "Well, so what? What is love anyway? I don't need anyone, really, or just let them come and go, I can do without 'love' if that is attachment and jealousy." That is a good use of Venus conjoined to Saturn, that is, to arrive at some such attitude. It is a little callous and unfeeling but perhaps sometimes we need those callouses while recovering from ravages of loneliness. "Hey, I'm your friend, but let's not get too close. Nobody needs that clingy stuff. Have a nice evening." 

Study and research could go well, some of it job or career-related.

{Friday}  /No Clingy Stuff\

Cosmic Piper

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