Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Message for Wednesday 13 September 2023 \Escape from Futility/

Message for Wednesday 13 September 2023

\Escape from Futility/

Far be it from me to discourage you from doing what is important in your life. Critics of astrology claim that it makes people impotent by suggesting that there is almost never a "good" time to do things. I try to avoid that, but also see, on the basis of decades of observation, that some times are less favorable for major activities or initiatives. Today is one of those times because (a) it's the |Karmic sobering third| of this week, (b) Mercury is still retrograde, and (c) the moon is "dying" before being "reborn" at the New late Thursday or early Friday. Do what makes sense to you, but realize that you may need, or benefit from, extra rest periods. "Haste makes waste" and people's moods are likely to be "down" so it is more difficult to deal with them. 

All this seems summarized in the symbol "a broken wheel on the ground and a horse grazing nearby" with the keyword Aimlessness. This could be a want of direction or just an unavoidable drift part of the time.

"An ostrich" is someone pompous in demeanor. "In appearance, a giant; in assumption, a hero; but when brought to the test, one who despises the ideas of another and has none of his own." "A sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal." This could be someone you know, in one of his or her "off" moments, or someone in the pubic eye such as, no doubt, many politicians.

Through Monday the 18th, Mercury at its station (turning direct Friday the 15th) shall occupy the degree "Four long posts forming a square: and fourails fastened horizontally to the top of each. It looks like the framework of some temporary building or shanty." It seems that we are coming out of the delays and confusions of Mercury's retrogradation by assembling the materials of a better dwelling or "shanty" for our hopes and plans. But in these early stages nothing may seem definitive. Friday could be the day things turn around, or even more definitely Saturday the 23d when the autumnal equinox begins a happier month

At best, with the aid of a grand trine in earth signs and a sextile between Mars and Venus, we may feel like "miners emerging from a mine." "Transient involvement in hampering and unattractive phases of experience" has a reward in "a better world and happierelationships." "Strength of character" includes "inexhaustible resources of self." The keyword is Escape.

{Wednesday} /Escape from Futility\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Virgo

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is at its peak, ending Thursday afternoon


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