Friday, September 8, 2023

Messages for Saturday 9 September 2023 and Sunday 10 September 2023

Messages for Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 September 2023

Saturday: ~Prudence and Accord~

This Mercury-retrograde cycle (August 23-September 15) has been a tough one, for me and those known to me. I lost my cell phone (the first time ever) and am still going through a long painful process of acquiring a new one, having to ask favors I would rather not ask and struggling to keep on writing these forecasts. To mention one famous individual, on Friday as I write Bobby Kennedy has released a statement that the Democratic National Committee is making rules which would deny him a fair counting of votes in the primaries, making it impossible for him to win. He said that he will protest these "rules" (as for example, if he campaigns in New Hampshire his votes there shall not be counted!!?!) and if that fails he will have to "consider other options." The speculation is that that could mean forming another "third" (or fourth or fifth) party. All this is typical of the reverses and re-doings and reestablishments required by the fact of  seven of the ten planets eitheretrograde or virtually stationary. 

Through it we still have: While Venus has been motionless she has been at the degree "Tufts of grass on a jutting rock hold a thin but certain existence." The keyword is Constancy, and we are trying to "determine the right thing to do and accomplish it through resolute striving." A snail's pace now could change to a more confident clip beginning by the 15th or 22nd of this month.

Impatience, however, could take charge, with "strong animal passions": "A pyramid of red is very conspicuously situated on a large open plain." There is energy and strength of will. "One seldom fails to accomplish what he takes in hand to do. This person will 'never say die'."

At a more moderate level consistent with slow or backward planetary motion, one might resemble "an old man cutting grapes in a vineyard" whose keyword is Prudence. He is "industrious and watchful, working with an eye to the future, ultimately gathering in the fruits of foresight and care." 

The long-lasting Venus sextile Mars aspect, from this week until November 5, is giving us "capacity for embracing universal realty within personal experience" as symbolized by "Three old masters hanging in an art gallery." We have "a gift for bringing people and events together in high appreciation of the greater values of life." The keyword is Accord. 

{Saturday} ~Prudence and Accord~

Moon in Cancer


Sunday 10 September

~Steering Competently toward Revelation~ 

I try not to moan too much about the problems of Mercury retrograde, but I hope that doing so helps you readers to cope with your own issues, on the basis of "misery loves company." Not only did I lose my phone, as reported yesterday, but a neighbor did also at about the same time. Then on Labor Day at 6:30 a.m. a smoke detector in my apartment started screeching at me every 26 seconds. I had to wait until I could get a ladder from the basement hours later and then was able to stop it. But two days later it started again until I climbed the ladder and pulled out the wiring. Then, for two days in a row, my WiFi which works flawlessly stopped working twice until it got its desired minute of rest. I am grateful that it is working because otherwise you'd not be getting these reports. It is obvious that Donald Trump's life is endlessly complicated by legal problems (most of which his supporters, and also fair-minded non-supporters such as Alan Dershowitz, regard as persecution through lawfare). And yesterday I reported on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s serious persecution by the Democratic Party to which he is trying to be loyal.

There can also be many small things which go "out of pattern" such as losing an item or forgetting where it is, dropping something, or peculiar misunderstandings, but many of these one can take with the proverbial "grain of salt." 

Symbols for Sunday: "A broken wheel upon the ground while a horse grazes nearby" represents Aimlessness or a laissez faire drift. There could be good fortune, yet it is precarious or lost. Of course, one could blame Mercury.

Some, scientifically inclined, "think but slightingly of their best friends and will not confide in them." This could be Venus's squares with Jupiter and Uranus. Disagreements overeligion or politics are likely. 

Fortunately, "A canoe in dangerous waters is approaching safety." There has to be "fresh and constant participation in life's transient situations" which are not dangerous if one possesses Competency, the keyword.

Venus sextile Mars opens us into sometimes amazing appreciation of human contacts old or new. There are memory-treasures of links with family and old friends. They seem to come back in day-dreaming as if neveabsent. "The Mundane Cross" (within a circle) represents "a student of Nature's mysteries; a lover of the sublime; an author, orevealer of the strange and the curious."

{Sunday} ~Steering Competently toward Revelation~ 

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Cancer-->Leo

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:48a PT | 9:48a ET | 1:48p UT

until it enters Leo at 9:37a PT | 12:37p ET | 4:37p UT

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