Monday, September 18, 2023

Message for Tuesday 19 September 2023 ~One Landing or Another~

Message for Tuesday 19 September 2023

~One Landing or Another~

Yesterday I mentioned how it seems that Mercury is still retrograde while it remains in its dark or slow cycle until September 30. Nobody likes to hear that, but in support of it I submit: (a) The Hollywood writers strike is still going on. (b) The UAW strike, the most significant in decades, is going on. The Union says that it needs to "keep management guessing" during the negotiations, which is a good description of what we all go through during these times. What is it in your life that "keeps you guessing"? (c) Over the weekend an F-35 stealth jet fighter was lost by the Marine Corps--yes, lost!--though the pilot was safely ejected from it. The taxpayers shelled out 75 million for it and now are asked to Please tell us if you find it! Astrologers are just "missing the boat" if they ignore my discovery of the Dark Hermetic Epochs decades ago, promulgated here as best I can.

One of the day's four symbols is "a boat landing washed away." This sounds bad, but Dr. Jones gives it the keyword Respite to suggest that there are other ways to land one's boat. One should not use frustration as an excuse for inaction. There could be "joy in bringing self-competence to the recurrent emergencies of life." 

Zelensky of Ukraine is supposed to be in Washington today or later this week asking for more handouts for the war devastating his country and its citizens. Look at how accurate this symbol is! (from the Borelli-Sepharial set, Venus's degree for Monday and Tuesday this week): "A man riding a camel with attendants following." "One noted for his wide and prolonged travels. His life will be beset with dangers of a physical nature; he will leave a humble home and become a prominent figure in a foreign country. The character is stubborn, persevering, very vindictive and revengeful; not ungrateful but never forgetting injuries. He will be somewhat fond of parade and self-advertisement." (Meanwhile his people are dying, injured or maimed, many fleeing his nation if they can.)

While Mercury remains in its Dark or Slow phase many turn to "higher thought" for a more profound grasp of what life is all about. "The Mundane Cross" (within a circle) signifies "a student of Nature's mysteries; a lover of the sublime; an author or a revealer of the strange and the curious." If the outer "boat landing" is dysfunctional we could turn to an inner "landing."

Eventually, let us hope, the final symbol shall save us: "I see nothing but sunshine; all is bright--a cloudless sky." This denotes "a prosperous person; truly happy, living in the midst of most favorable conditions."

{Tuesday} ~One Landing or Another~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio

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