Monday, September 25, 2023

Message for Tuesday 26 September 2023

Message for Tuesday 26 September 2026 


I hope your Dark (Slow) Hermetic Epoch (August 4-September 30) has been easier than mine. Today I talked with a neighbor who is trying to help out another neighbor with a phone problem. Meanwhile my own phone problem has not been resolved, and I have spoken with two women who lost their wallets in the past couple weeks. Biden makes gaffs and the Canadian Parliament gives a standing ovation to a WWII war criminal. Things are "out of joint." I can't say everything will get easier immediately on the 30th but I hope so. Meanwhile, the moon is void-of-course most of today so we need extra patience with "out of pattern" trends and incidents.

Today, "a man with a knife in his hand" is not dangerous but is dexterous in the use of edged tools, "capable of great achievements as an artist or engraver, or in carving or even surgery in some cases." Well, anyone need to cut those fingernails or toenails?

Continuing from yesterday, "A human face is surmounted by a coiled serpent; a raised hand also appears." Some will display "a powerful and commanding nature, with a keen understanding of the laws of life." There is intuition, foresight and diplomacy. The keyword is Penetration. 

If luck allows, one might feel like "a person being carried by four men in a sedan chair." One is a favorite of fortune, but could devolve into idleness or sloth. Nevertheless one possesses "good parts and numerous accomplishments."

The autumnal Jewish High Holy Days are with us, and one of the symbols (as yesterday) is fortuitously "A Jewish rabbi." "An individual or group may become a special channel for the aspirations of all." They keyword, Heritage, suggests that we "are able to stand on the shoulders of the giants who have gone before."

{Tuesday} {Out-of-Pattern}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aquarius

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:40a PT | 8:40a ET | 12:40p UT

until it enters Pisces at 5:19p PT | 8:19p ET | 12:19a(W) UT

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week is with us until Thursday

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