Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Message for Thursday 3 February 2022

 Thursday 3 February 2022


Moon in Pisces

With three planets in Pisces, sign of the ocean, we have 'a vessel rolling in the trough of a rough sea' to suggest uncertainty, changes, and maybe severe trials within 'a struggle for existence.'  Ashore we have 'a man desponding, standing on a barren plain with leader colored clouds overhead.'  We could face monotony and gloom.  I would blame all this on the sun's exact conjunction with Saturn today, the gloomy planet and the one telling us to keep on keeping on when things seem darkest.  

Sepharial says that 'an eagle carrying its prey in mid-air' signifies an 'isolated and misanthropic nature' endowed with 'faculties of no mean order' so that there is 'strengthening of the spirit in lonely meditations.'  There are no planets in fire signs, and so we also need 'a smith's forge and bellows' to inspire us by 'fanning the spark of intelligent faith into a flame of conviction and consuming desire.'  Then, 'devoid of ostentation' like a smith, one could be 'of singular service to humanity.'

Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces sextile to planets in Capricorn form favorable sphere-music, like 'birds in the house singing happily.'  They signify 'the descent of spirit or intelligence into every last ramification of everyday reality.'  'The actual and impregnable independence of the individual' is 'self-establishing' while 'employing every least talent of self.'  Five planets in earth signs include Venus and Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus, and so 'a big-business man is at his desk.'  While Mercury is almost stationary, turning direct tomorrow but still moving slowly until the end of the Dark Hermetic epoch on February 24, one might be almost ready to secure 'personal stability through organizational powers' and 'maintain a position or advantage' by means of 'constant attention to fundamental interests through the ebb and flow of circumstances.'  So may it be.

{Thursday}  ~Self-Establishment~

Cosmic Piper

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