Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Message for Wednesday 16 June 2021

 Wednesday 16 June 2021

\Resistance, Watchfulness, Shrewd Success, Applause/

Moon in Virgo

Challenge:  If you are tired of hearing about Saturn square Uranus, I also am tired of thinking about it, but there it is right in our faces, exact by a mere 10' of arc.  It can be nonsubmission and resistance, and I am feeling that about a lot of issues I read about in the news, where people are imprisoned or otherwise mistreated unjustly.  'A bull tossing a man with its horns' is peculiarly appropriate in that Uranus is in Taurus the sign of the bull.  This could be the government agencies trying to rein in the 'army of apes' so-called, the traders who have been manipulating stock prices in contest with other more traditional traders (maybe the 'bulls') who are also trying to manipulate prices.  While Mercury is retrograde (till June 22) it is doubtful that any of this will reach any satisfactory resolution.  To change the analogy, we have 'a cat upon the watch for prey' who is prudent, circumspect, and patient; diplomatic, suave, and watchful.  He or she is 'a fast friend and an unrelenting enemy.'  It is good to be active concerning necessities at one's home base.

Process:  A lot may be going on at home and in one's neighborhood, as if one were driving 'a wagon with a tarpaulin overhead' to keep up and latch on to everything useful, taking in at a glance what is advantageous.  "The grass does not grow under his feet."  In late afternoon and evening there is a trend toward a more pleasurable mode represented by 'a cluster of faded exotics, very sweet and sickly to the smell.'  One might feel frail, wanting to avoid tests and criticism and pull back from the world into luxury and satiety for a while.  

Blessing:  There is almost too much going on to keep track of, and one does not want to miss out on anything.  Oneself or someone close might be like 'a hen scratching for her chicks,' wanting to provide what will make everyone feel protected and satisfied.  This is a traditionally more feminine role while the masculine one might be represented by 'a man formally dressed and a deer with its horns folded.'  (Of course the sex-role side of this is upended and almost meaningless these days.)  One's self-assertion impacts the world through the formality of trophies, impressive dress, and earned esteem.  Morale is enhanced by applause.

{Wednesday}  /Resistance, Watchfulness, Shrewd Success, Applause\

Cosmic Piper

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