Friday, June 11, 2021

Message for Sunday 13 June 2021, and Week Ahead: Tentative Tent

Sunday 13 June 2021

Week Ahead:  ~Tentative Tent~

Moon in Cancer-->Leo
Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 3:56a PT | 6:56a ET | 10:56a UT (until Tuesday evening)
/moon goes void-of-course at 4:17a PT | 7:17a ET | 11:17a UT
until it enters Leo at 11:24a PT | 2:24p ET | 6:24p UT

The previous week, June 5-11, you may have felt self-contained, growing strong through challenge, You rejected what you had to reject, almost as if expelling unwanted or unneeded things from your life.  This was often painful.  Many had health problems, probably old ones resurfacing to be cured again.  It seems to strengthen the body to reconstitute itself.  For many, finances were hard, or called into question, yet there was an undercurrent of good luck.  Apart from influencing or leading others, you had to influence and lead yourself, indomitably.

This week, June 12-18, you may continue to separate things out and dispose of them.  "Enough of that" is the motto.  Things may not be sweet, simple, or easy, but there is more of a sense of relaxation and less of an utterly intense drive.  Still, there is not much room to fool around.  One wants to transcend one's difficulties, totally and completely.  This requires concentration, but also adaptability.  Mercury remains retrograde.  Things take turns you hadn't anticipated, but this is sometimes for the better.  Dropping something to turn to something more important at the moment is a pattern you will rely on again and again.  Mercury and the sun square Neptune represent a reach for the invisible--the spiritual or supreme--or at a lower level a reach for euphoria through stimulants such as alcohol or drugs.  Another path is musing, pondering, daydreaming, and there is nothing wrong with that if not carried too far.  The past irrupts into your consciousness as pleasant or disturbing memories.   That means the past has not exhausted its lessons for you, nor its support.  People you haven't seen for years or who are gone from this world may appear before your vision.  Then you can bless them, thank them for whatever they contributed to your life, and say goodbye (but not a final goodbye) again.  

There is a quest for knowledge.  It may be career-related.  There are strong companions who stimulate you to do your best and attain a hardy position.  The clear outlines of this are not always sharp; but what is known, and can be attained now,is enough for now.  It's a tentative period.  You are living in a 'tentative tent' in the back yard and don't have to build a house at this point.  When concerns about career surface, you can trust the plans you have made over recent months and weeks rather than try to formulate anything utterly new.   Modifications and adjustments will be interesting, and continuing, so your  schemes may not be in final form until at earliest next week when Mercury turns direct, or three weeks from now when a new Bright or Straightforward Hermetic Epoch begins on July 7.  

It is pleasant to watch how things develop, without insisting that they be perfectly definite.  At the same time, it may be important to knock things out of the way if they are just a waste of time.  "I don't need that."  

{Week of June 12-18, 2021}  ~Tentative Tent~

Cosmic Piper

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