Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Message for Thursday 10 June 2021

 Thursday 10 June 2021

}Beyond Obstructions to a Semblance of Freedom{

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
New Moon of Gemini (and an eclipse) at 3:54a PT | 6:54a ET | 10:54a UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:39a PT | 2:39p ET | 6:39p UT
until it enters Cancer at 0:24a Friday (PT) etc.

Challenge:  I do not give the importance to eclipses some astrologers do.  It is a very difficult time for many, but don't blame the eclipse, blame the Saturn square Uranus aspect getting tighter every minute.  Also you can blame the sun and Mercury square Neptune while Mercury remains retrograde.  Seas of confusion.  People with respiratory problems may not have Covid but something else, it's a common complaint during times like this.  'A brave traveler lost in a snow-storm at night' seems rather dire but Charubel hints that by dawn he has found a better way.  Similarly, 'a stranded vessel on a low, sandy beach' suggests arrested affairs because of unsuspected sand-banks.  But 'the nature is hopeful and even confident' so manages to survive the obstructions and get a fresh start.  Welcome, New Moon.

Process:  The sun and Mercury are together at the degree of the U. S. birth-Mars (July 4, 1776) and one symbol for that degree is 'a labor demonstration' showing perhaps that the working man and woman has come into his own in the New World, through much struggle, beyond what was possible in the hierarchical Eastern nations.  There is realization of social stewardship, today, and one man or woman represents all of his or her co-workers.  'A Daughter of the American Revolution' perhaps is 'old money' or a more elitist branch of the American tree, but her inheritance could aid her to leadership in which the whole group acts as a unit.  Faithfulness to standards is also implicit at the other end, in the labor movement.

Blessing:  Despite tangles perhaps we are finding our way to freedom, as 'a young horse running across a field with a leading cord in trail lifts its head against the breeze and sniffs the air.'  Ardent spirits and daring make for self-reliance.  We have 'intuitive judgment, a warm passional nature, and much insight into human character.'  With Venus sextile Uranus, when able to relax we appreciate 'a young girl playing on a lyre,' a gay person fond of youthful amusements who is artistic and musical.  

{Thursday}  {Beyond Obstructions to a Semblance of Freedom}

Cosmic Piper

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