Saturday, June 26, 2021

Message for Sunday 27 June 2021, and Coming Week

 Sunday 27 June 2021, and Coming Week

Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until mid-day Monday
/moon goes void-of-course at 12:09p PT | 3:09p ET | 7:09p UT

Week of June 26--July 2  (Saturday-Friday)

As preceding a holiday weekend, and continuing a Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch, this may seem a 'lame duck' week.  However, there remains a strong push toward individual goals.  This is partly defensive, partly an attempt to display 'who one is' in a meaningful way, and partly a deftness in using one's amazing skills.  

A major aspect is Mars continuing its opposition with Saturn.  This is a 'stop and go' aspect, Saturn being Stop and Mars Go.  One can take considerable time to review and estimate the value of one's plans, to satisfy retrograde Saturn, 'stop and look before you cross the street,' yet continue at least a tentative push toward one's goals to satisfy Mars.  Although there is an interest in people, and a desire to bring them together even when they disagree, or to see how their varying attitudes fit together in some transcendent pattern, there is also a tendency toward estrangement or separation because the Mars 'yes' in each of us hits the Saturn 'no' in each other of us.  It is not impossible to carry on through that situation, with persistence (Mars) plus diplomacy (Saturn).  

The other opposition of the week is Venus opposite Pluto.  This is often strong erotic attraction in ways which seem inappropriate or impossible, though they give the sting of thrill for a while.  This can be other-sex or same-sex.  Being pulled together by the attraction, then pushed away as if the magnets were reversed, is likely.  And then perhaps the same thing all over again.  Sometimes the economic standing of those mutually attracted is an issue.  Whatever one's ethical orientation about sex, it is likely to be challenged in some way.  All this can go on just internally, or externally, depending on one's life-experience, situation, and level of maturity.  Because Uranus is squared by both Mars and Saturn, it does not seem likely that experimental eroticism is likely to turn out well, ultimately, but human life goes on according to its own impulses except in saints or hermits, so what can one say?  

More happily, Sol trine Jupiter shows that one has some soul-enthusiasm along the line of one's particular mission in life.  One would not be enthusiastic about it unless it embodied at least partly a mission.  It's likely that some, including younger persons and foreign ones (or those with a different cultural background), will be supportive of your particular enthusiasm, so if they seem indifferent or negative at first it is good to continue espousing what you believe rather than just give up.  Sometimes one is planting a seed which won't germinate until later.  As the Bhagavad Gita tells us, Work not for the result but for the good intention or purpose of the work (dharma), leaving the result to God and karma.  That, says the wisdom of Krishna, is the way to peace of mind.  Satisfaction comes from doing the job as well as one can rather than insisting on a particular outcome. 

As for sheer relaxation or recreation, pleasure or fun, it is available sometimes through Venus's trine with Neptune (sympathetic osmosis), the sun's sextile with Uranus (mutually appreciative friendship) and Jupiter's quintile with Uranus (surprising or unexpected compatibility along some line).  How can one demand such things?  They happen.  If the weekend should be disappointing, Monday through Friday may be smoother.

{Sunday, and Week of June 26--July2}  

Cosmic Piper

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