Monday, June 28, 2021

Message for Tuesday 29 June 2021

 Tuesday 29 June 2021

~Detecting Defenses and Advantages; Companionship~ 

Moon  in Pisces

Challenge:  The 'spider watching for silly flies to fall into his web' is with us again, as a shrewd detective or lawyer.  (This is happening again with Donald Trump; some think he is the spider while others think his opponents now persecuting him and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani are the spiders. ) In your own situation you might benefit by seeing how people try to manipulate one another and yourself.  A similar symbol is 'a cat upon the watch for prey' and these two together could represent the selfishness of Mars opposite Saturn.   We expect carnivorous animals to prey on one another but expect something better of our fellow human beings.  Also, Mars opposite Saturn has a reputation for 'heat problems' whether not enough heat in winter or too much in summer.  (By using too much air conditioning we can paradoxically increase global warming, etc. Mars is in a fire sign and Saturn in an air sign.)

Process:  The moon is in the sign of fish, and 'a tiny nude miss reaching in the water for a fish' is letting her curious inclinations refresh her as we might do to cope with the heat.  Through lack of inhibition we refuse to miss whatever might be interesting around us.  Jupiter quincunx Venus could summon up various advantages.  'A fine white bull grazes in the shade of a tree standing in a park' and so we may be quietly successful, reserved, steadfast, firm, independent, yet benevolent.  

Blessing:  We can't pretend there are no pressures on us, with a solid nearly-exact T square in fixed signs (Mars and Saturn focused on Uranus), yet Venus conjoining Mars while it forms a quincunx with Jupiter could bring out the justified pride of 'a man formally dressed and a deer with its horns folded.'  One's impact on the world has earned a trophy through the exercise of talent. This boosts morale, and earned esteem leads to further gaining of it.  We may be ready for 'an evening lawn party' which summons forth shared self-expression bringing out distinctive personality.  Each has his or her problems but can forget them a while, or dissolve them, in gratifying companionship.  

{Tuesday}  ~Detecting Defenses and Advantages; Companionship~

Cosmic Piper

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