Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Message for Thursday 1 July 2021

 Thursday 1 July 2021

^Challenging Differences; Assurance of Mission^

Moon in Aries

Challenge:  'The letter Q appears' signifying skepticism and quibbling.  Some may be disagreeable, cantankerous, querulous and quarrelsome.  However, if this applies to both sides of a debate, then who decides which one is merely quibbling?  'A stranded vessel on a low sandy beach' is typical of any Dark Hermetic Epoch, and this one is still with us in full force until July 7, next Wednesday.  Venus (with Mars) opposite Saturn does not make for smoothness in relationships or friendships, though mitigating factors shall be mentioned.

Process:  People's backgrounds, habits and styles differentiate them, such as 'an old-fashioned woman and an up-to-date girl.'  The contrasts could make some timid of interaction.  What's the point? could be the feeling, yet there may be needed sharing which is helpful ultimately even if uncomfortable.  'This person is my opposite, yet we need each other in this situation.'  If one feels one is struggling to make one's fortune utterly alone, one is like 'a jutting rock upon which tufts of grass hold a thin but certain existence,' that is, one holds to beliefs and principles even if they seem disadvantageous, because they are right.  This constancy brings rewards at long last.

Blessing:  'A young girl playing on a lyre' is gay, youthful, artistic, musical, amusing.  She gets some energy and attention from Luna in Aries trine both Venus and Mars in Leo.  The shrewd initiative of Saturn opposite Mars gets some relief through casual moments of entertainment or friendliness.  Yet that same trine in fire signs could be like 'a large ball of fire flying through the air' signifying someone who is 'a ruler of men and a giant among them intellectually, morally or physically.'  One feels that one is up for one's mission and in possession of the wherewithal and backing needed to pursue it.  

{Thursday}  ^Challenging Differences; Assurance of Mission^

Cosmic Piper

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