Sunday, June 13, 2021

Message for Monday 14 June 2021

Monday 14 June 2021

^Through Obscurity toward Conquest and Glory^

Moon in Leo
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Tuesday evening

Challenge:  Two factors, (a) Mercury retrograde (until next Tuesday the 22nd) and (b) both Mercury and the sun square Neptune, are somewhat disorienting, though disorientation is a prelude to reorientation and something better.  'A wave-line of nebulous light, obscured by a cloud in the midst' suggests weakness because one is 'incapable of any firm and independent position.'  One's objectives change while one wanders from one place to another.  Hopeful, but then depressed and nervous again, one needs the calm of spiritual faith and security.  It might help to see oneself as 'a person trimming palms' because doing something basic and needed reconnects one with the natural world. There is 'harmony between the workman and his materials.'  One enhances everything by trimming back on what's unneeded.

Process:  'It'll make a man out of you' might seem like a sexist claim but 'it'll make a real woman out of you' is equivalent, and it seems that the seemingly endless square between Saturn and Uranus, now exact within seconds of arc, is forcing us to find out what's in us.  'A man like a Hercules or Samson standing over a slain lion' is someone who has overcome inward as much as outward enemies.  Yet he or she may be soft and gentle in manner.  Our conquest of what opposes us comes through tenacity and strength of intention.  One is prepared to modify one's self-image in order to carry on with self-purpose, so 'a woman is having her hair bobbed.'  One's mirror-image evokes self-examination and decision.  

Blessing:  Luna square Uranus while opposite Saturn exacerbates the square between them during this most-intense day of the 2.5-day |difficult third| of this week.  We may respond with horror, or anxiety, or escapism, but it would help if we could be like 'a man before a square with a manuscript scroll before him.'  When at a blocked point, we can examine everything 'by logical or judicial criteria' and thereby get a solid hold.  We can attain (Dr. Jones) 'an absolute and personal control and organization of self for the purposes of each special situation.'  Further, the manuscript contains profundity.  Mars and Luna in Leo suggest the splendor of youth, and we have 'a veiled statue' 'unfolding gradually the sublime and the glorious.'  We observe or study 'what is great and lofty,' with 'vivid imagination and fiery enthusiasm.'  We may feel passionate because of someone beautiful who inspires us.    

{Monday}  ^Through Obscurity Toward Conquest and Glory^

Cosmic Piper


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