Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Message for Wednesday 18 November 2020

 Wednesday 18 November 2020

\Earned Dominion/

Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until Friday evening

We are called on to face Mars and Saturn, the two "malefic" planets as the ancients called them, for one symbol for the day is said by Charubel to signify "an evil mixture of Saturn and Mars" as pictured in "a tiger crouching for a spring on its prey."  Mars in Aries (since June 28 and until January 6, a very unusually long transit) is audacious, trying for the impossible, and that can be good or it can be too restless and irritable.  Its long-lasting square to Capricorn planets including Saturn could have inclined some to inflammatory (Mars) conditions of the skin (Capricorn) such as eczema, hives or other irritations.  Saturn also in its own sign, Capricorn, is strong and when good that is honesty and determination to work toward desired goals. When it goes wrong (as it probably has in many cases because of hard aspects to Mars, Mercury and Venus) it can be gloominess, bias, and dissatisfaction resulting sometimes in cunning and underhanded strategies.  (Both sides of the political spectrum are accusing the other of that.)   However that may be, "a rhinoceros" has his intention on one object at a time and stands unmoved without fear.   That is wise during this |hard third| of the week (moon-Saturn conjunction) lasting until Friday evening.

We may sometimes retreat from all this turmoil to "an airplane hovering overhead" where we can reflect on a broad over-all view of the world to our advantage.  That could help us recover poise which could have been lost while Venus is exactly square Saturn this weekend, making us feel unloved or unappreciated and finding it hard to love or appreciate anyone else.  Calm realism is not harshness, envy or jealousy.  We might even attain the rock-like security of "a cross carved in stone standing against the rising sun, haloed in divine light."  

When free of labor we may find peace and comfort, and offer it to others benevolently, as if living in "a rustic cottage 'neath a spreading cedar tree."  We or someone else may take on the role of "the king of the fairies approaching his domain," giving and accepting heartfelt allegiance.  He or she has chosen to imagine sovereignty over people and things, and such imaginative perspective generates fairyland yet real dominion.  

{Wednesday}  /Earned Dominion\

Cosmic Piper

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