Sunday, November 15, 2020

Message for Monday 16 November 2020

 Monday 16 November 2020

^Offenses Softened through Harmony-Quest^

Moon in Sagittarius
(/moon goes void-of-course at 11:56p PT, and early Tuesday in further-east time zones)

It seems that things for most of us are getting easier to handle, but first let's deal with the hard part.  "A man swimming in an angry sea" sounds like the opposition of Venus and Mars we have been enduring, and also like the square of Venus with Saturn which is getting exact a couple days from now.  Anger is not necessary but may feel natural when we confront those who seem to be very wrong about something.  However, Sepharial says that the man "in the angry sea" is "resolute and brave, disposed to take great risks upon himself for the benefit of others."  He may "meet with recognition and honor as the leader of a forlorn hope."  Some feel this way in regard to current political battles.  "Information in the symbol of an autumn leaf" is one of those intriguing symbols one can interpret in multiple ways.  The keyword "tact" suggests that one might have to hint kindly to someone that something is ending, whether a relationship or some side of it, or a friendship or some particular facet of it, a business deal or some clause in it.  (That is what often happens when Venus squares Saturn.)  The "leaf" of that particular experience has matured, turned colors and fallen.  However, I love the autumn and the colored leaves, sometimes picking one up to bring home.  We get the message that a season is ending but we are heartened by the hearth-fires we will enjoy over the holidays, which the gold-red leaves emblazon beforehand.

The square of Venus and Saturn combined with the exact opposition of Mercury and Uranus fits with "a mole" signifying "great individuality; very reserved; very determined" to do whatever deemed necessary whether the public (above ground) likes it or not.  This could be "true grit" in some area of your life where you are not going to give up no matter what people think.  Yet there is no desire to offend; "a Welsh harp" denotes "evenness of temper and regularity of conduct," "a lover of the harmonious in all things."  The moon is tuning itself with both Mars and Venus by good aspects.  Our "hard edge" is not so sharp as to push people away but can sing out a melody appreciated.  

We're in the second day of a New Moon and it is good to begin things which look promising, even if they are not absolutely clear until Thursday or the weekend.  "Indians making camp" are not sure of everything, but will find fuel and food and establish a temporary home with whatever is immediately at hand.  Such extemporization is profitable now.  Then we may find ourselves on "an elevated promontory, crowned with many variously colored flowers."  This is a light-hearted, charming and fortune-attracting mood (Luna sextile Venus especially later in the day and evening).  

{Monday}  ^Offenses Softened through Harmony-Quest^

Cosmic Piper

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