Sunday, November 22, 2020

Message for Monday 23 November 2020

Monday 23 November 2020

~Chess, Construction, House-Raising, Goddess~

Moon in Pisces

The moon with Neptune in Pisces, plus Mercury trine Neptune, could make some feel like "an old man seated beneath a shady tree, his head bowed in thought.  A pilgrim."  There could be solitude, with deep or abstruse thought.  "All around me is unreal" is a common thought of mystics East and West.  Yet there could be signs of a decisive momentum.  "Two men playing chess" make moves according to their abilities, the winner the one with refined skills, discipline of understanding, and concentration.  They care about winning but may share the pilgrim's detachment and disillusionment should they lose.

"A man at a table with drawing instruments and paper before him" could be an artist, architect, or engineer.  Or yourself with your own particular project.  If the effort becomes unselfish and social it could be like "a house-raising" in which there is simple cooperation and common enterprise.  This is helpful to those helped and those helping.  

"The Goddess of Mercy enthroned" is self-explanatory.  Whether Mary, Durga, or Kwan Yin, she is the Mother who never fails us.  Her sympathy extends in all directions, and she is with us today.  As "brownies dancing in the setting sun" we sense success in both career and family domains while the universe sorts and sifts things into convenience and order.  The impersonal forces of nature are friendly.  We sense a day or season ending, but feel invigorated while dancing into the next episode. 

{Monday}  ~Chess, Construction, House-Raising, Goddess~

Cosmic Piper

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