Sunday, November 8, 2020

Message for Monday 9 November 2020

 Monday 9 November 2020

\Scrambling Toward Surety/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:06 pr | 6:06a ET | 11:06a UT
until it enters Virgo at 5:31a PT | 8:31a ET | 1:31p UT

Something I have noticed but not mentioned here is obvious, so obvious that no astrologer I know of has mentioned it!!  Is the too-visible invisible?  Venus is opposite Mars, which happens only once every 3.5 years or so, and this time Venus is in her own sign Libra and Mars in his own sign Aries.  Big battle of the sexes!  Well, and of varying viewpoints, apart from sex.  Guess who has more males on his side?  Trump, statistically.  Guess who has more females?  Biden.  Further, Biden has a female running-mate who also happens to be a sun-sign Libran! Guess whom more police officers (Mars) support?  Trump, of course.  And probably military men also although I haven't seen the latest polls on that.  Men are from Mars (Trump) and women are from Venus (Biden-Harris).  And that opposition, which has been going on since October 28, is exact today, when lawyer allies of Trump have said they shall launch various legal battles questioning the validity of the vote in several states.  

Can I predict anything from that?  Not much, except to see how appropriate it is.  Mars is retrograde (Trump supporters clinging to the past, holding on) but turns direct this coming Friday, the 13th.  Will that help Trump to "move forward" whatever that means?  I cannot say but it may be interesting.  Further, the opposition ends (by a ten degree orb) on the 17th-18th, and the Dark Hermetic Epoch ends on the 18th and a new Bright Hermetic Epoch begins the 19th, ten days from now.  Would all this be favorable to Biden, ending the battle in his favor?  I don't know.  Would all this be favorable to Trump, setting legal machinery in motion to win a few states the media thought he had lost?  I don't know.  It shall be interesting.

Many are demonizing the other side.  I don't like to contribute to that, but faithfully report a symbol for today:  "A serpent with many heads in a circle, fangs protruding."  Charubel says this is "the cursed degree of the so-called cursed sign" (Scorpio) and that it denotes "a pest and terror to society."  Donald Trump? Yet Biden is Scorpio, with several planets in that sign.  Joe?  Take your choice.  Supporters of both may feel like "a soldier going through his drill" who worries he may be wounded or killed (metaphorically). 

"A boat landing washed away" is what many on both sides may feel they are experiencing.  Nature has taken over what humans wanted to do with the environment.  This gives the necessity for a pause or respite, to work out a different plan, a different way to land one's boat.  Calculations as to practical plans may go well (moon in Virgo sextile the sun).  That is, provided one does not indulge oneself incontinently, so that one's "wine glass" is "overturned."  One feels generous and convivial, which is all to the good so long as one does not lose sight of the "boat landing" to which one is headed.  It could be "washed away" not by nature but by wine, or Bacchic indulgence.

"A stiletto (dagger) and tavola (dining table)" suggest an Italian crime-syndicate boss, perhaps, but more benignly a person of machismo who is "given to disputes" and "eager in contention," a formidable adversary yet a convivial companion with sharp wit, headstrong and quick temper yet brave, honorable, and avid.  (Some think Trump fits this description.)  In contrast with this (Mars opposite Venus again) we have the figure of Passive Beauty, a youthful student wandering in a glade with a book, quite the opposite of the masculine headman.  He or she is "devoted to the higher interests of the soul" and contemplative of natural beauty.  We may find room in our world, and ourselves, for both types.

{Monday}  /Scrambling Toward Surety\

Cosmic Piper

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