Monday, November 2, 2020

Message for Tuesday 3 November 2020

Tuesday 3 November 2020

}Beauty and Strength within Turmoil{

Moon in Gemini
 Mercury turns direct (is motionless but will gain speed forward slowly over the next month and more) at 10:51a PT | 1:51p ET | 5:51p UT
Let us hope this will make the election less turbulent than it would b e otherwise, though the "slow Mercury" lasting till November 19 is still problematic.  Though it can be good for research and many other "re" activities.  

As announced in the weekend report, I am not predicting the election.  Not only have predictors, including pollsters and astrologers, not done very well in the past, but there is an ethical reason for refraining from predicting, even if one could.  People have free will, at a basic level, though it is hard to exercise it, and so from that viewpoint it would be impossible to predict the outcome.  If it could always be predicted, would not that show that voters are machines?  I have my personal  view, but am not expressing it here.

"A gladiator, armed with dagger and shield, ready for the fray" describes the two camps.  Each causes disputes because of an irascible disposition.  Self-command is a greater conquest than other-command.  "A general accepting defeat gracefully" sounds too good to be true, this year, and when it happens it might be days from now.  Those who are loyal to long-range ends are able to accept defeat in just one battle with expediency.  

Obviously people feel strongly about the election, as if they were "a man standing near a mountain precipice waving a red flag to signal a promiscuous crowd rushing at a gallop toward the rock."  Each side feels the other side is made up of "stupid lemmings," perhaps.  Yet there is proficient analysis and excellent criticism.  Others, perhaps, are selfish enough (that can apply to both ends of the political spectrum) to consider nothing but strategy, like "a fox sitting on its haunches."  

Whether before or after the hours of the election returns, "a youth, book in hand, wanders through a glade overhung with branches.  The sunlight slanting through the trees falls upon the figure of the student."  That is not one of the pollsters!  Rather it is someone who loves "peaceful contemplation of natural beauty" without consideration for fame.  He or she is passively beautiful (Venus in Libra).  Our souls engender lasting beauty of body and manner.  Others, perhaps more concerned with substantial issues of the election, are like "a great lonely tower rising from an eminence of rock."  Independent, relying on their own counsel, inscrutable, they command respect.   Their fortunes "remain untouched by the hand of change."  

{Tuesday}   {Beauty and Strength within Turmoil}

Cosmic Piper


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