Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Message for Thursday 19 November 2020

 Thursday 19 November 2020

}Carefully Dispelling Gloom{

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:31a PT | 11:31a ET | 4:31p UT
until it enters Aquarius at 12:26p PT | 3:26p ET | 8:26p UT
A Bright Hermetic Epoch, or fast-Mercury phase, of greater clarity and confidence, begins at 12:50p PT | 3:50p ET | 8:50p UT, continuing through January 14 

I have often moaned about the Venus-square-Saturn aspect (exact again today) as the "nobody loves me aspect."  Or, better, it can be a time when you find out something reassuring about long-term, old friendships or relationships, realizing that "these are my people, like it or not" and resolve to get along better.  The gloomy symbol "a dark pool of water in the shadow of dense foliage" suggests lack of ambition allied with fatalism and melancholy.  Maybe this is a needed meditation-rest.  If one is roused during that period to something critical one might be like "an Indian mother pleading to the chief for the lives of her children."  This requires awakened sacrifice, and a balancing of rights and wrongs for the greater good of ourselves and posterity.  

"A series of bubbles floating in the air" are emblematic of the light, fantastic and ephemeral.  One might resemble a mere superficial dabbler in life's mysteries.  Or, because today is the beginning of a more straightforward and logical Mercurial (Hermetic) period, one might pass beyond the bubbles as mere entertainment and proceed to something solid and workable.  "Humanity seeking to bridge the span of knowledge" is ourselves using our reasoning powers on our accumulated experience to bring about wise choices and projects over the coming two months.  

In our lighter moments we may experience something like "a woman standing on the head of a serpent."  She is sage, not really weak as women are supposed to be, and has "great fascinating power."  In other words, persuasion can work in bringing our fondest dreams closer to reality.  We might even be entering an epoch when we have "a field of ripe corn; the reapers at work 'neath the beams of the sun."  Gloomy moods may question that, but a smoother time is beginning no matter how inchoately at first. 

{Thursday}  {Carefully Dispelling Gloom}

Cosmic Piper

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