Thursday, November 5, 2020

Message for Friday 6 November 2020

 Friday 6 November 2020

~From Stress to Benevolence~

Moon in Cancer-->Leo
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week remains until Sunday morning (and is most intense today)
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:28p PT | 8:28p ET | 1:25a(Sa) UT
until it enters Leo at 11:19p PT | 2:19a(Sa) ET | 7:19a(Sa) UT

Keeping on in the midst of difficulties or misfortunes is one of the hardest things for all life-forms.  "A man with his arm in a sling and his head bandaged" shows someone using whatever means he can (the sling) to keep his sanity and do what needs to be done.  The 'bandaged head" is perhaps significant in that Mars is retrograde in Aries, sign of the head.  For most this does not mean a health problem in that area but perhaps difficulties in determining what "heads up" one's schedule, one's agenda, what is most important.  That should be given full attention while Mercury is at point focus, squared by Luna on one side and Saturn on the other.  Tasks one tries reluctantly are likely to bring strong satisfaction when finished.  Then one is like "a man with a sickle under one arm, a sheaf of corn under the other."  It's almost a metaphysical law that work, no matter how unpromising, brings reward.

Venus, though in her own sign Libra, is otherwise in sad straits, in a tri-septile with both Uranus and Neptune and a bi-septile with Saturn.  Love?  It is here, somewhere, but one may doubt that.  It may be that "love is being tested" in a big way and that any friendship or relationship is likely to define itself during this time with difficulty, more realistically than before.  That does not mean that love is gone but that it has to recover "while its arm is in a sling."  "A pillar of black marble roughly hewn" is said to be Solitariness, or melancholy and misanthropy.  People are separating from one another because of politics.  "A bad match with probable separation" is to be taken lightly, because these are just daily indications, but it could mean one feels that way about a relationship.  Recovery can come on another day.  Perhaps it is better for now to let someone else recover from too much interpersonal tension, or "give him or her space."  Yet we have "a red flame ascending upward to a great height" and this is "a true friend and an open enemy," someone "possessed with ardent desires" and "an enthusiast to the cause he espouses."  Perhaps we need to respect one another's enthusiasms even when we don't share them.

The square between Mercury and Saturn could mean intellectual study (as well as, for some, ballot-counting) of a more esoteric nature, for we have "a spacious museum, the walls covered with symbols and hieroglyphics."  When human beings disappoint us, it is sometimes good to regain our poise in the hieratic or hermetic wisdom of the past, expressed in symbols which awaken something in us we didn't know we needed.  Grandeur and spiritual loftiness are not always solitary, but attract friends.  "A goblet emitting rays of ruddy light" befriends and comforts those in distress.  Stress may impel us to find humaneness and benevolence in our souls, spilling out to those around us no matter how their natures fit with ours.  

{Friday}  ~From Stress to Benevolence~

Cosmic Piper

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