Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Message for Thursday 5 November 2020

 Thursday 5 November 2020

~Peering Over Glasses toward Ballots~

Moon in Cancer
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us (until Sunday morning) (almost a full three days this time)

Today and tomorrow could be the hardest days of the week.  We remain in a time of turmoil.  Though Mercury turned direct Wednesday, it is still almost motionless, and other problems are a lack of sextiles and trines (the smooth aspects) and a slew of squares and oppositions (the hard ones) including Venus's rare opposition with Mars spelling "opposition of opposites" to be redundant, and could that be Republicans and Democrats?  Among others.  It's a reminder that friends and lovers are often on opposite sides politically.  We need patience.  Good aspects with the sun may help, especially beginning Saturday-Sunday.

It seems we need to keep ourselves alert to our interests and avoid indolence or sloth.  "Busy-ness" per se may not be a virtue, but the planets are challenging us to keep up with whatever activities will protect our status and situation.  This enterprise is both material, or menial, and intellectual.  "A professor peering over his glasses" conceals, in his deskbound posture, intense mental activity of a specialized nature.  This gives her or him "a quiet mastery of events."  

"A plow" signifies arduous and protracted labors.  Activists on both sides are gearing up for what might be a protracted legal battle.  "He is endowed with definition of purpose, determination and incisiveness."  That certainly describes Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani on the Republican side, and no doubt Democratic strategists on the other.  Sepharial remarks, "He will in all probability find the recompense of his labor in . . . the utilization of old and waste materials."  Ballots?  Well, life is not all work, and to balance this we have "children playing around five mounds of sand."  This is the naivete which connects happily with anything and anyone appearing to be worthwhile during the often meandering or playful Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch (until November 19). 

I like the image of "passive beauty," the student wandering through a glade with sunlight slanting through the leaves to illumine his book.  What could it mean? I leave it to you.  There is also "a round temple with pointed roof," and prayer does seem appropriate. 

{Thursday}  ~Peering Over Glasses toward Ballots~

Cosmic Piper

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