Monday, November 9, 2020

Message for Tuesday 10 November 2020

 Tuesday 10 November 2020

\Opposition, Folly, Daring, Relaxation/

Moon in Virgo 

I have weighed every word and sentence in this forecast as carefully as I knew how.  And so it may repay patient study. 

I am weary of politics, and probably you are too.  Some of the symbols pull us back into it:  "An old door in which a dagger is stuck," denoting "a critical and quarrelsome nature, apt to find fault with the opinions of others for the sake of controversy; striking at existing systems and laws even when unable to improve upon them."  Democrats will say this is the Republicans; Republicans will say it is the Democrats.  But it is going on.  Is it really all "folly," the keyword Borelli gives?  A matter of opinion.  If somebody is wrong, somebody else has to be right.  "Two men are fencing with swords."  Each is "one who would not admit an equal; a very formidable kind of opponent."  So it seems.

The duty, or pastime, or competitive game? of "counting ballots" goes on like "a horse saddled and bridled, and galloping away without a rider."  All are weary of it, but let's hope the courts, when necessary, will bring clarity, justice, and resolution.  "A woman drawing two dark curtains aside" could be a Republican revealing election fraud, or a Democrat revealing a pro-Biden vote count.  The keyword is Daring, and it seems that in the Information, Non-information, and Pseudo-information age, daring is required to announce the truth about anything, for truth is labeled falsehood.  At the personal level, an individual could exhibit daring by exposing himself or herself (or his or her style or talent) in some way crude or svelte.  Our personalities reach out to other personalities, and other personalities reach out to us.

"Two awards for bravery in war" is a subtle intimation that both sides win something.  Whether we win recognition or give recognition to someone else, we are valuing idealistic leadership, vision and character.  We may look forward to the day when we can have a respite from the campaign, and become "a retired sea captain" sustaining the world and our experience of it in cherished memories.  This is poise earned through past achievement.  It is preparing us for embarking on new enterprise, probably beginning November 19 and continuing in a positive direction until at least January 14.  (Yes, those two months look better.)

/Opposition, Folly, Daring, Relaxation\

Cosmic Piper

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