Monday, October 12, 2020

The Bouncy, Friendly Generation, now 12-25 years old, Pluto in Sagittarius

Bouncy, Friendly Kids and Young People:

The Pluto in Sagittarius generation, born from November 1995 through November 2008, thirteen years. Their current ages are 12 through 25:

What are the media calling this group? I can't keep up. Generation x, y, z? I just call them the Sagittarius generation because it seems that Pluto, the slowest moving planet in our system marks off the generations more cogently than any other planet. (One could also categorize generations by Neptune and Uranus.)

I'm going to call them the bouncy-friendly generation.

The previous generation was Pluto in Scorpio, born September 1984 through October 1995, eleven years. Current ages 26 through 36.

I have noticed that styles in music are the sharpest way to distinguish the generations. Pluto in Cancer was the '40s-'50s "crooners" when pop music was heavily sentimental. Pluto in Leo was the Beatles and what came after, heavy or light rock and the like. Pluto in Scorpio has been, to my mind, rather morose often, weighty, with huge numbers of death themes, like Five Finger Death Punch; it has also been gangsta rap. But sometimes Christian rap and gangsta rap are mixed up together, as in Big Sean (born1988), Kendrick Lamar (1987) and many others. Their fantastic track Holy Key (produced by DJ Khaled) is an excellent example of this genre at its best. They need to hit the deep stuff, the anger or agony and pain,, sometimes mixed with humor or sarcasm, sometimes with real pathos. Avicii, one of my favorites, even took his name from the Buddhist name of Hell, though his music is not as morose as most emanating from his generation. (Sadly, he took his own life I believe.)

A few years ago when the Sagittarius generation was in its late teens I was asking myself, When will their music hit the scene? And what will it be like? Well, I said to myself, it will be bouncy and friendly. Alive and sweet, serene or cheerful, in contrast to the Pluto-in-Scorpio soul-searching stuff. Lorde was the first Pluto-in-Sag female singer to hit the big time, it seems, and her first album was bouncy and fairly cheery. Her second album was a flop. Justin Bieber? He fits what I think Pluto-in-Sag ought to be, though he was born with Pluto at 28 Scorpio, less than 2 degrees from the end, which bears out what astrologers have said for generations, that planets "on the cusp" of the next sign often carry out the themes of that next sign. (I would not allow for more than two degrees for this.) I am still waiting and looking for the Pluto-in-Sagittarius musicians (now 12 through 25 years old) who will define that generation's music. If you know some, please let me know.

This afternoon I was out trying to enjoy the beautiful fall weather while it lasts, and after a while ended up in a restaurant managed by young people in their early twenties. The Pluto-in-Sagittarius generation. I was greeted by an exceedingly cheerful and friendly young man, my server. The music being played as I sipped water and beer was "current" stuff I didn't recognize, a woman wailing sadly sweet or sweetly sad lyrics. After about ten minutes of this the bartender changed the channel to something totally unexpected---lively, bouncy pop songs from the late 1950s and early 1960s. There were many I had heard as a teenager, which was very refreshing. Included were Elvis Presley and Patsy Kline. This went on for a half hour and I was astounded that this old music (wonderful to me) was what they chose to listen to for a while. Then before I left, it went back to some current stuff I didn't recognize.

I think the Pluto-Sagittarius generation will be--yes--bouncy, cheerful, and friendly. Also, religious or philosophical not in a melancholy but an optimistic fashion.

Hugh / C P

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