Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Message for Thursday 29 October 2020

 Thursday 29 October 2020

^Out of Chains, Toward the Marvelous^

Moon in Aries
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues (exact around midnight) until Saturday afternoon

How do you change a cactus to a rose? A porcupine to a hummingbird?  That's my task in writing this report.  Turn political conflict and riots in the streets into the "better world" we all want.  Lying politicians into savants.  Let's try . . . 

"A man in chains" is what many think their political opponent should be.  Both presidential candidates seem to be liars and crooks.  It is verifiable that both have lied heavily and frequently.  Yet each has proponents.  Sepharial says that the "man in chains" is "disposed to take life according to his own views and beliefs, and suffer much in consequence."  Sound like anybody you know?  Or, trying to escape dullness, one might emulate "an archer shooting arrows toward a flight of birds," not hitting anything, "flighty and indeterminate, effecting operations without design."  Too many love-affairs or attractions make them inconsequential.  One could be nonchalant.

The waywardness and eccentricity of a comet is our impetus from Uranus opposing the sun.  Yet one might do some great thing if it comes from inward profundity.  Unknown laws of nature exist, and sometimes one individual is able to use one of them, knowingly or unknowingly, to do marvelous things and make his or her mark.  This seems like magic. 

"The moon shining across a lake" is fellow-feeling enabling release from compulsions, with an effortless move to deeper experiences of the heart.  There can be rapport despite differing viewpoints.  The pressures of recent weeks, not really lessened today, nevertheless may force us to innovate, so that there could be "the dawn of a new day, everything changed."  

{Thursday}  ^Out of Chains, Toward the Marvelous^

Cosmic Piper

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