Thursday, October 29, 2020

Message for Friday 30 October 2020

 Friday 30 October 2020

\Hard-Won Harvest/

Moon in Aries-->Taurus
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week remains until Saturday at 1:00p PT | 4:00p ET | 8:00p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:14a PT | 12:14p ET | 4:14p UT
until it enters Taurus at 2:20p PT | 5:20p ET | 9:20p UT
Full Moon of Scorpio-Taurus is here, exact Saturday (Halloween) at 7:50a PT | 10:50a ET | 2:50p UT

The symbols used in these daily reports often manifest in ways hard to discern on the surface, but in afterview they make sense.  That's why I recommend re-reading these reports at the end of the day or the next morning to see what they meant in your own situation.  In Thursday's forecast we had " The symbol-promises may be more subjective than objective, yet we have "a man with his left foot on the shoulder of a spade; in his hand he holds a jewel reflecting the sun's rays."  Unexpected good fortune! "  Well, I went shopping and was pleased with my purchases.  But also, it was announced that "GDP soars by record 33.1% annual pace in third quarter" (Marketwatch) and even the New York Times admitted that this was "the best G. D. P. report ever."  So yes, there was a shining jewel in the hand of the miner.  

A symbol indicating "orphanage" might show that one has to "go it alone" while the sun exactly opposes Uranus, planet of Independence.  Says Sepharial:  "Obscure in origin and reared among strangers, the nature is yet capable of attaining considerable distinction."  The moon square Saturn (hard third of the week) fits with "a man standing in an open field with a broken plow."  There may seem to be misfortune, hindrance, and lack of opportunity.  Yet "menial work," which after all someone has to do, has its own reward.  Needed routines are not enemies but friends.  We can either fix the "broken plow" or accomplish something not requiring it. 

"Dental work" continues the practical trend.  This need not be literal, but is some sort of repair or maintenance of either one's tools and appliances or one's body.  When we ourselves are fit, we are able to hand on the baton or torch to someone else in life's "relay race."

'Tis the harvest season, and "a sheaf of corn," or maybe a harvested squash or pumpkin, is provided by "a practical benefactor of the race; a good member of society."  Then we are ready to join "a group around a campfire" or a consummating group experience, either in fact or memory or imagination.  Amiability is the name of the human race when it is free from fear. 

{Friday}  /Hard-Won Harvest\

Cosmic Piper

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