Sunday, October 25, 2020

Message for Monday 26 October 2020

 Monday 26 October 2020

~Freedom within Mysterious Knowledge~

Moon in Pisces

There is a desire to assert yourself, to force decisions.  Can you meet with the opposition?  They are elusive.  "Two contending armies" does not sound like fun, but depicts the run-up to the election.  "A storm-swept prairie" is the noise and tumult of the "battleground states" as they vote or prepare to do so.  This is freedom (you choose whom to vote for) but it can be rash and wasteful.  "Fallen idols and desolated temples' could be the lot of either candidate, in fact of both.  There is wantonness on both sides. 

On the other hand, in this "relay race" one hands on the baton or torch to whomever one can tag and whomever one believes to be "on one's side."  One is fit to enter into "a group opportunity."   Human values are passed on.  We may not realize we are standing on "a massive, rocky shore" which is the dependability of the natural and social worlds.  Markets, brokerages, government agencies of distribution such as social security or safety nets, are all dependable to the point that they stabilize our lives, and within such stabilization we carry on.  

The mysterious is often the domain of Pisces, wherein the moon joins Neptune.  "A man gaining secret knowledge from a paper he is reading" is that delicious sense of being one-up on everyone else when one gets a glimmer of the way things might appear to G*d the Overseer.  Through conscious imaginative effort one makes discoveries.  One is crowned with "a trefoil":  Faith, Hope, and Charity (Love), leading toward schemes for a better world. 

Alternate reading:  (When Mercury is retrograde one often gets "out-of-pattern" ideas or methods, experimental ones.  Here is a fresh way of reading the daily chart, as an experiment):

Highlighted planets:
Neptune: obligation-objectives-sympathy-confinement:  Objectives are confined within a realm of sympathy.  One is obliged to consider how others are feeling and responding, though this be elusive.  

Uranus:  independence-personality-integration-possession:  One's possessions are integrated according to one's own personality, not someone else's, and it is good to be consistent with what one has already chosen as to money-management.  

Saturn:  sensitiveness-consciousness-discrimination-friendship:  Friends have already been chosen according to one's best discrimination and also according to fate (or karma).  

Venus:  appreciation-pleasure-assimilation-partnership:  One might share a meal with someone pleasant, or "assimilate the world together" in a way that is pleasing.   

{Monday}  ~Freedom within Mysterious Knowledge~

Cosmic Piper

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