Friday, October 2, 2020

Message for Saturday 3 October 2020

 Saturday 3 October 2020

\From "Down and Out" to Transcendence/

Moon in Aries-->Taurus
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues until Sunday morning
/moon goes void-of-course at [10:48p(F) PT] | 1:48a ET | 5:48a UT
until it enters Taurus at 8:14a PT | 11:14a ET | 3:14p UT

I have the task of trying to be a cheerleader yet provide an accurate estimate of what might be going on.  It's hard when things look rather bleak, such as a symbol for today, "A man with a bow in his hand, but no arrow," of which Charubel says "When an opportunity presents itself, he finds himself unable to turn it to advantage."  Of course we have to interpret that as a temporary impairment.  "An out-house with a dark loft to which a ladder conducts the homeless ones" seems bleak, but we are all interdependent in one way or another and need to be willing to accept help as well as give it. 

"Peeping around a corner at a group of armed men who are reconnoitering" suggests secret information and strategy, concurrent with Mercury in Scorpio (detective work) opposite Uranus in Taurus.  There are hidden assets or advantages to discover, or perhaps defenses.  "A fair woman looking at her face in a hand-glass" is self-centered and worldly.  She laughs in the face of fate, and may get away with it if lucky.  

"Miners emerging from a mine" have escaped from their unattractive work, which however develops real strength of personality.  Doggedness of effort is good, so one can carry away the treasure.  If one is learning also to go deeper into one's soul, to rely on deeper allegiances to which one can testify, one lifts on high "a large white cross."  Suffering transcended is transcendental achievement.  

{Saturday}  /From "Down and Out" to Transcendence\

Cosmic Piper

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