Monday, October 19, 2020

Message for Tuesday 20 October 2020

 Tuesday 20 October 2020

Moon in Sagittarius

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:39p PT | 12:39a(W) ET | 4:39a(W) UT

^Magic Carpet^

This is, in the British style, 20 10 2020, or in the American, 10 20 2020.  The election in the U.S. is getting critical.  20 is the Tarot card of Judgment or Final Judgment.  

However, I am trying to eliminate politics from these reports.  We have our individual lives apart from the noise and tumult.  


Are you taking an optimistic or pessimistic view of human love these days, or of loves in your life? We have "A well-favored woman, but of evil aspect, standing before a mirror."  This is said to indicate Sensuousness.  Sepharial warns that "unless one urges a strong moral resistance to instincts one will incur shame and dishonor through alliance with the opposite sex."  This fits, perhaps, Venus's tri-septile with Mars and opposition with Neptune, yet she also enjoys trines with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn.  In Virgo, she may be naturally restrained, yet longing for adventure.  The T square in cardinal signs may precipitate us rather into the Gloom of "a dark pool of water in the shadow of dense foliage."   This could be fatalistic melancholy devoid of ambition or brilliance.  Yet "underneath are the everlasting arms."  

Charubel says we might be aware of, connect with, or even BE "a man among men.  One who will spontaneously elicit the goodwill and plaudits of his fellow-men."  Of course this could be "a woman among women."  "Thousands will look up to her for light and guidance."  You may sense what this means in the final few hours before the moon goes void-of-course (time above).  Humanity is "seeking to bridge the span of knowledge" according to the Sabian symbols. That means "making itself a practical instrument for the accumulated experience or perfected wisdom which has built and supports the world in which it lives" (Dr. Jones). This can be through sound reasoning, sometimes. 

"The magic carpet" presents a panorama of idealistic potentialities.  It might fly down to pick one up from the "dark pool of water" or melancholy.  One can choose one's place and endowment from what one samples in the panorama.  Then one has earned or inherited "a royal coat of arms," or "authority implicit in the very fact of existence."  Prerogatives and privileges come to each individual in varying forms.

{Tuesday}  ^Magic Carpet^

Cosmic Piper

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