Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Message for Wednesday 28 October 2020

 Wednesday 28 October 2020

^Refining One's Position^

Moon in Aries
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 2:59p PT | 5:59p ET | 9:59p UT (until Saturday afternoon)

The energy of Mars plus the independence of Uranus (the sun is opposing it) make for high-energy disputes or disagreements during this election cycle.  Or we might pull back our differences and act like "two prim spinsters" who remain coolly friendly despite their differing attitudes.  There is "divorcement" from each other even while living close together.  There is a desire to be prominent but also to get to the core of things like "deep-sea divers."  One is involved in problems not only to solve them but to further one's growth toward perfection.

The symbols paint a nicer picture than the aspects, so let's go with them while realizing they point out ideals to be attained.  "A merchant ship" signifies a successful traveler, navigator or trader, and the chart shows strong career inclinations, so one might feel that one has found how to set one's sails in one's chosen profession.  Luna is in a child-sign and we have "a naked boy with a crown on his head and a scepter in his hand."  This is innocency plus dignity.  One is endowed to be as great as one hopes to be. 

I said to a friend yesterday that most of us just need to wait until the election is over to get a true sense of where we are going or clear answers to our questions.  That's because Mercury turns direct the day of the election (though still moving very slowly until November 19).  And so it is not surprising if things seem very tentative.  The symbol-promises may be more subjective than objective, yet we have "a man with his left foot on the shoulder of a spade; in his hand he holds a jewel reflecting the sun's rays."  Unexpected good fortune! I am not suggesting the lottery or casino.  But somehow you might enjoy unusual success or good fortune.  This could be through exploration or discovery.  A trend is fortuitous.  At a more universal or spiritual level, "the light of the sixth race is transmuted to the seventh."  History's mirror is foreshadowing humanity's ultimate potentials.  Venus now in her own sign, Libra, gives relief from some of the recent nastiness.  We may be at the threshold of a better future.

{Wednesday}  ^Refining One's Position^

Cosmic Piper

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