Monday, October 12, 2020

Message for Tuesday 13 October 2020

 Tuesday 13 October 2020

\Duty Prepares Unlimited Prospects/

Moon in Virgo
We have been in a Dark (Slow) Hermetic Epoch (Mercury cycle) since September 23. Today the three-week CENTER of that two-month Epoch begins, the Mercury Retrograde period, at 6:05p PT | 9:05p ET | 1:05a(W) UT, lasting until Mercury is again motionless, turning direct on November 3. But the Dark or Slow Epoch continues until November 19.

"A man asleep by the side of money-bags" indicates carelessness.  Not just self-indulgence but duty calls.  Then one might be like "a man mining rock with a pickaxe," -- practical, laborious, honest, and just.  Unimaginative service sustains not only the world but ourselves.

"The open Bible with a sword on it" could be an insignia of Amy Coney Barrett.  Charubel says that this is "a truthful, honest and good person" who will "give righteous judgment."  Yet we might also gravitate to "a large ballroom" where there are "music, dancing and singing on the program."  Mercury at its station (motionless) is sextile Venus, showing that performance arts could be prominent and pleasing.

"A child of about five with a huge shopping bag" may want to get into the previously mentioned money-bags to buy trinkets, or perhaps fulfill harmless expectations of fun through acquiring or giving treasure.  "The gate to the garden of desire," however, is opened by a key the heart holds, sweet sentiments and naïve optimism opening into unlimited friendly prospects.

{Tuesday}  /Duty Prepares Unlimited Prospects\

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  The Mercury Retrograde period has a deserved reputation for slowdowns, delays, and technical problems.  These are unpredictable, so while some things may go on normally, others will trickily seem to resist normality and "go kaflooey."  For example, today I could not print the daily chart on which this forecast is based because the printer refused to print.  It gave sputtering sounds now and then and peculiar messages on the screen.  I tried several tactics to get it going and failed.  Then I just waited and after I had started to write the report from charts on the computer screen, not on paper, it finally printed the chart (or rather four of them when I needed only one).  This sort of thing happens more often during any MR period.  Crazy but true. I am also, as you may see, having trouble with getting the font size right.  

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