Monday, September 7, 2020

 Tuesday 8 September 2020

}Getting ShipShape{

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:48a PT | 8:48a ET | 12:48p UT
until it enters Gemini at 2:29p PT | 5:29p ET | 9:29p UT

At this natural pause before the beginning of the Fall season (which according to the Hebrews is the beginning of the year rather than the Spring, and it seems that way with school and other things beginning after the summer break), it might be well to consider where we are in the Hermetic Epochs.  For those of you who are new, these are approximately two-month periods within the approximately four-month Mercury cycle.  (I try to speak precisely without getting technical. This is for all, not just astrologers. If you are one of the latter and want to know about these cycles, write me.)   

The Bright Hermetic Epoch we are now in shall end in two weeks, and the ensuing Dark Hermetic Epoch begins on September 23.  Coincidentally, that happens to be the first day of the sun's presence in Libra, in other words, the day of the Autumnal Equinox.  (And, in the U. S., needless to say, the "hottest" part of the election campaign.)  Dark does not mean bad!  (Though it sometimes can mean "bad" in the street or Urban Dictionary sense, and sometimes in the old-fashioned sense.)  It means somewhat obscure, from a conventional viewpoint, and full of unexpected happenings, so it is challenging to our normal routines.  The Mercury Retrograde cycle of three weeks is at the center of it, and the whole two-month period (through November 18) has the same flavor as Mercury Retrograde (though I have a hard time making this evident to many astrologers, who don't understand the entire Mercury cycle, only the center of it).  And so, we have two more weeks during which it is wise to "get one's act together."  

To put it in terms of advice (which I do not like, but it saves words):  Devil Out of Details:  1.  Choose your program for the coming 10 weeks, lasting through the election and almost to Thanksgiving.  2.  Choose to stay with things which have been working for you since July 26, when the BHE began, because there will be temptations to slip away from them into more questionable procedures during the DHE.  3.  Arrange priorities in your mind.  4.  Decide on a "positive thinking" agenda to last through the DHE (which includes the election) and stay with it, whether it be a self-help book, Scripture (which I recommend), or spiritual guides you trust (also recommended).  Part of the challenge of the DHE is "keeping the faith," whatever your faith may be.  

What about the election?  First, I would say, most of us should focus on our personal lives rather than on politics.  "Que sera sera" may not be great philosophy but it might be good practical psychology, rather than getting upset about things we can't change.  "It is what it is" may be a cliche but also a truism.  Of course, your "positive thinking" agenda will say, "It is going to be better!" and that is fine, but trusting life is part of the process of its getting better.  

Speculation about the election?  We all do it, but maybe should restrict the time we spend on it!  I am not happy with the election occurring during a Dark Hermetic Epoch, because the one in November 2000, with the "hanging chads" in Florida and the Supreme Court decision to elect the man who lost the popular vote (Bush vs. Gore), also occurred during a DHE, in fact during the 48 hours before Mercury turned direct.  This time, Mercury turns direct on the day of the election itself (November 3).  That is small comfort, or no comfort at all, for those who understand the Hermetic Epochs, for they seem to be "just as bad" or difficult after Mercury turns direct, for a couple weeks at least, which is why they remain Dark (or Slow) Epochs.  I chose the terminology as carefully as I knew how.  In 2000, the Bright Epoch began on November 23 and it was in December that the issue was finally resolved by the Court (to the justifiable anger of many).  

And so those who say "There will be legal challenges to the validity of many ballots, lasting for weeks," may be right, I am sorry to say.  If not, we may thank the gods for a miracle of sorts.

However, as already remarked, most of us had better focus on our personal lives rather than politics.  

To summarize the timing:
BHE began July 26 . . . DHE begins September 23 . . .(Mercury Retrograde October 13---Mercury Direct November 3) . . . new Bright Hermetic Epoch begins November 19 (until January 15, 2021)

More long-term indications:  Battening the Hatches:  The square (harsh aspect) between Mars and Saturn has been intense.  It began by 10 degrees (the orb used by Ptolemy the granddad of Western astrologers) on July 31 and continues until November 1, a very long time because Mars goes stationary and retrograde on September 9 (Wednesday this week).  It begins again after Mars turns direct, on December 9, and ends on February 8.  It is not the end of the world but we have seen what it can do:  Street battles, for one thing.  Political battles, for another.  Notice how two of the major Mars-ruled careers, policing and the military, are poised to decide the election depending on how police and police-supporters, and military men and their supporters, decide to vote.  That is just one factor.  On the good side, this aspect can produce, in individuals, a determination to face the hardest, most complex issues or details of a job or project and get them straightened out definitively.  Saturn is definition, and Mars is action, so one acts to define things and get them settled.  So if one decides to refuse to let politics drain one's energies, one could focus on such individual matters or missions during the coming two-months-and-more cycle.  


Enough for today, but I shall resume the symbols-rich daily forecasts tomorrow.  I hope that you find them illuminating or at least interesting.  The symbols are amazingly accurate, often, and at other times one has to stretch one's mind to perceive their applicability, but that is usually a strengthening and refreshing exercise.

As for today, Tuesday, you may note the difference between the void-of-course period (time above) and the later one after Luna enters Gemini.  Usually there is "a breath of fresh air" and a feeling that "it's not as bad as I thought."

{Tuesday}  {Getting ShipShape}

Cosmic Piper

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