Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Message for Wednesday 30 September 2020

 Wednesday 30 September 2020

~Toward Harmony and Friendliness~

Moon in Pisces-->Aries
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:31a PT | 1:31p ET | 5:31p UT
until it enters Aries at 7:48p PT | 10:48p ET | 2:48a(Th) UT
Full Moon of Libra-Aries is in effect all day (exact tomorrow) 

"A gladiator ready for the fray" sounds very much like the emphasis of the three most edgy or difficult planets--Mars, Saturn, and Uranus--because they are at "critical degrees" according to an ancient formula which has proved itself in my experience.  That has been going on for weeks and shall continue.  If it's not the pandemic, it's forest fires or tornadoes, "one damn thing after another."  Urine test? Non-starter.  Then what about checking for hidden earphones?  Some "gladiators" seem to have gone berserk.  (As I write the debate has not yet happened.)  Yet perhaps each of is is indeed "fighting" some battle of her or his own.  As for "this person shall make a great discovery," which Charubel tells us, what discovery could you make?  Or what discovery of someone else could you learn from and profit by?

"A man waving a red flag to signal a promiscuous crowd rushing in a gallop toward a perpendicular rock" means warning, through great powers of discernment and forethought.  It is analysis and criticism which can save people from bad choices.  Life-coaches and therapists are supposed to have such abilities.  There are endless ramifications of things one could perceive, experience, or do.  How does one choose safely among them?  Not only safety but interest and enthusiasm are choice-criteria.  

Venus has moved away from a painful quincunx with Saturn and is in a sextile with Mercury and a close trine with Mars.  "Three old masters hanging in an art gallery" show us how to appreciate not only beauty per se but whatever that beauty cultivates, aligning us to one another through esthetic experience and accord.  The Venus-Mars contact may be becoming real to some or most of us as "two hands linked in a close grip of friendship."  There is sociability and amiability.  If we rise above problems of previous paragraphs, we and others around us can sustain one another in a constructive, harmonizing and humane manner.  

{Wednesday}  ~Toward Harmony and Friendliness~

Cosmic Piper

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