Monday, September 28, 2020

Message for Tuesday 29 September 2020

 Tuesday 29 September 2020

~A Blazing Fireplace in a Deserted Home~

Moon in Pisces

Venus quincunx (difficult aspect) Saturn fits with "a young maiden weeping over a grave," that is, melancholy and a feeling that family and friends are gone.  That could extend to a sense of "Where is my nation; why is it in such trouble?" I shall not predict the outcome of the presidential debate, but Venus is exactly on Donald Trump's Mars, perhaps helping him, yet the degree-symbol is "A dagger."  Sepharial says that this "is an ominous sign!  A quarrelsome, argumentative nature, given over to impulsive actions.  A restless and destructive mind, always on the alert to attack, to oppose, to argue.  Very executive, but by no means constructive in disposition, and hence liable to go through life like a tornado, remarked but not esteemed."  Many would say that a truer characterization of Donald Trump could hardly be given, and this is the degree of Mars in his birth-chart (and Sepharial wrote this decades before Trump was born).  However, astrology is complex, and the Sabian symbol for the same degree is "Daybreak."  "Reality is ever a beginning in the immediacy it offers the individual" (Dr. Jones).  Make America Great Again! shout Trump's supporters, upholding the keyword of the degree in the Sabian system, Genesis.  And so which Trump shall the voters perceive tonight?  

"A blazing fireplace in a deserted home" may be what we are feeling, not knowing where the family or nation is, or for whom we are keeping the fire going, or how to guard the home from accident.  Yet we are guardians of what we hold most dear, our "burning desire" or passion.  

"The Union Jack" shows a need for supervision, for some kind of government, and who, Biden or Trump, shall provide that best?  

Within all the feeling-turmoil we fumble after "the true lover's knot," feeling that "the finest feelings of the soul" are "unreciprocated."  The knot is not yet tied; or if it is, the "lover" attached does not know she or he is attached!  Yet Mars and Venus are in a favorable trine within two degrees, and love is here if we accept it.  

{Tuesday}  ~A Blazing Fireplace in a Deserted Home~

Cosmic Piper

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