Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Message for Wednesday 23 September 2020

 Wednesday 23 September 2020

\Sidling into Hopeful Futurity/

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
A Dark or Slow (or Imaginative, Reconstructive, Meandering) Hermetic Epoch begins today, until November 19
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:33a PT | 1:33p ET | 5:33p UT
until it enters Capricorn at 4:17p PT | 7:17p ET | 11:17p UT

Yes, the DHE is here.  Tuesday it was foreshadowed for me by the fact that my internet service was down.  Then I discovered that the provider was doing network reconstruction.  Then it came back on.  Then it went down again.  Now it's on.  A perfect representation of what happens frequently during any DHE:  Slowness, delay, backtracking.  It is good to be ready for that.  Have some Plan B at hand always, something else to do or pursue when you can't do what you had originally planned.  

Challenges:  Fights, yes:  Mercury opposite Mars and both square Saturn and Pluto!  It's amazing we can talk to one another without wearing boxing gloves as well as masks.  Considering yourself alone, you may feel like Sisyphus, rolling that stone up the incline only to have it roll back down.  You may need to find for sure what is your own task and stay with it.  Your birth-chart might help.  Venus's hard aspects (in a Yod) might make you feel "humane but melancholic and disposed to religious mania."  Being alone is not bad if you are searching out and finding high truths.  They may seem to slip and slide, on the surface, during this DHE.

Opportunities:  A dearth of smooth aspects makes it likely you need to create or discover your own harmony, through fidelity to what you truly believe, as if you were "a Zuni sun worshiper."  There are illimitable resources in valid glowing traditions.  "A violinist playing" shows refinement and aesthetic accomplishment.  That is making Venus a conqueror through artistry.  Location is significant, as if you wanted to go places at least in your mind, or find your "true home"---probably where you are, for now.

Blessings:  You could be "a crescent moon joined to a shining star," gaining glory from someone you admire.  That association could bring you eminence and distinction.  We are reformulating our elves, or selves, and our approaches from now into November. (Your Self trains your elf-self.)  "The light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh" is a historic, esoteric suggestion that human destiny and global society are on the threshold of something momentous.  We may not see the details of that but there is honesty, conviviality, and friendly persuasion in mutually interesting directions.

{Wednesday}  /Sidling into Hopeful Futurity\

Cosmic Piper

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