Thursday, September 24, 2020

Message for Friday 25 September 2020

 Friday 25 September 2020

\Bareback under a Blue Star/

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues until early Sunday
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:37p PT | 11:37p ET | 3:37a UT
until it enters Aquarius at 11:09p PT | 2:09a(Sa) ET | 6:09a(Sa) UT

The |difficult third| (2.5-day) periods each week do not always coincide with rain or precipitation but often do, statistically, and so it is for us in Washington while I write on Thursday--a real downpour, the first of the rainy season--and so it may be in many climes today.  

Challenges:  "A man with a broken plough" suggests lack of assurance about how one is going to manage things.  Yet the field of promise is still there to be worked.  One's pride is hurt when one feels one has fallen in some embarrassing manner.  Yet "a bareback rider" is audacious in getting back up and meeting every situation courageously.  Maybe you do without something you had depended on before. 

Opportunities:  "Edged tools" such as an engraver uses suggest ingenious dexterity whether in a craft or an art.  Mercury opposite Mars while both square Saturn can be shrewd self-training and improvement of skills.  Taking away what is not wanted makes what remains more precious.  "A large undershot water-wheel" is able to keep on with study, idealization, and effort through all cycles of time, tirelessly.

Blessings:  Nothing is truly lost when one can re-envision or reformulate its promise.  "A group around a campfire" recall shared experiences without inhibition, and the resulting amiability builds up morale.  Some feel inspired to follow others who have potent diplomatic power and intelligence.  "Take me there."  There can be peace and harmony while "a pale blue star shines over a clear lake."  

{Friday}  /Bareback under a Blue Star\

Cosmic Piper

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