Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Message for Thursday 10 September 2020

 Thursday 10 September 2020

}Contrasts Harmonizing{

Moon in Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:49p PT | 12:49a(F) ET | 4:49a(F) UT

Challenges:  You could be as frugal and industrious as a farmer, says Charubel.  Internationally, there could be deception concerning tariffs or trade policies regarding agricultural products.  There could be personal arguments and contentions based on misunderstanding plus a sense of loss, yet there is courage, strength and prowess.  

Opportunities:  At their best people are sincere, rugged and genuine. If rustic, they are still respected for their robustness.  "A large ball of fire flying through the air" could indicate, apart from heat and  forest fires, someone with an extraordinary mission.  You count some such person as a friend, even if a difficult one.  Fidelity could be real in someone with dramatic, humorous or imitative mannerisms. 

Blessings:  "A swimming race" shows a willingness to get up to speed, and eliminate anything which is a poor investment of your energies so you can "win a contest" or the contest of life.  You do this better if you are attuned to the universal harmonies of "a celestial choir."  People around you are of contrasting backgrounds and generations.  "An old-fashioned woman" can coexist with and cooperate with "an up-to-date girl" so that the hidden virtues in each are brought forward in fresh ways.  

{Thursday}  {Contrasts Harmonizing}

Cosmic Piper

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