Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Message for Thursday 24 September 2020

 Thursday 24 September 2020

\Commanding Selection/

Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until early Sunday morning

Challenges:  A cardinal T square involving Mercury, Mars and Saturn spells crisis for many.  "A broken tree struck by a lightning flash" shows how some may feel if they are unable to pay rent or mortgage, or find that the fierce strife of disagreement stymies good intentions.  "Where can I go now?" might be a question, but staying home is most often the answer.  Flailing around to find escape makes people look like "chickens intoxicated."  When fallen, further falling is not the answer but could make one feel like "a man in chains."   

Opportunities:   Holding on to one's soul for dear life is part of the answer.  "In the center of a high mountain plateau one of the ancient magi performs his matutinal [morning] devotions."  The sun, our Sol, "ascends on the luminous horizon" no matter the emotional weather.  To counter the pain of argument, one can choose one's battles wisely, or abstain from them.  If emulating the "ancient magus," one might accomplish some magic through "knowledge of a law in nature not popularly recognized" whose "operations are marvelous."  This is like holding a rope connected to a pole suspending itself horizontally in mid-air.  It is levitation above problems. 

Blessings:  One can reformulate critical aspects of one's life, in imagination first.  What could be anger or violence (Mars-Mercury-Saturn T square) can become instead "a powerful commanding nature" akin to "a human face surmounted by a coiled serpent."  One says, "Enough of this. No more."  "A raised hand appears."  To the forces which would oppress one, "Thus far and no farther!"  You have knowledge of human nature, plus foresight and diplomacy, and penetrating powers of concentration which can command others directly or indirectly. Then there is "the dawn of a new day, everything changed."

{Thursday}  /Commanding Selection\

Cosmic Piper

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