Friday, September 18, 2020

Message for Sunday 20 September 2020, and Foreview

 Sunday 20 September 2020


Moon in Scorpio
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week ends at 4:16a PT | 7:16a ET | 11:16a UT
< moon remains in the Via Combusta until 11:46a PT | 2:46p ET | 6:46p UT
. . . and so things look gradually less disturbing than they were Saturday

We are out of the |difficult third| of this week, technically, though of course that is only one indication of things which can be troublesome.  But it is an important one!  I discovered it more than 20 years ago and have been posting it here for 21 years.  I am always surprised that it is not universal, common knowledge at this point.  It has physical as well as psychological manifestations. 

It could be proved by meteorologists (the weather people) if they would study it statistically.  But they won't.  They dread astrology.  It shows, very frequently, more precipitation than usual, whether rain or snow.  Example:  We in Seattle have had a dry summer, as we often do.  The rainy season has not begun.  And for the last couple of weeks that has been bad because of fires in eastern Washington and because of fires in Oregon and California; their smoke has been afflicting us intensely.  I have been hoping for rain to help with both the fires and the smoke.  Now look at these reports for the past few days.  You will see that the |karmically serious or sobering third| of this week began Friday and continues through Saturday until Sunday morning.  What happened?  Friday afternoon there were showers!  Then more, and then quite a lot more rain.  We needed it very badly.  

I call these periods |karmically serious| because they are; but the indication of rain is something else, which is correlative.  Obviously rain is not, usually, bad karma but very good karma when it is needed for crops.  It happens to come at these moon-Saturn times along with what is an intensity of seriousness in human beings.  If you ask why, I can only report what I know, not what I don't know.  But this pattern is solid and observable.  It also correlates, frequently, with illnesses, whether colds, flu, or more serious problems.  Often it will show the crisis points of an illness.  

More basically it shows moods.  On the constructive side is not only rain (often, of course not always) but an ability to focus with concentration on problems and find solutions.  This is something which can be done intensively during these periods.  The astrologer Grant Lewi pointed this out in his analysis of what hard moon-Saturn aspects mean in natal horoscopes. 

Here are some more observations I have posted here in recent days, somewhat edited:

Desperadoes:  That is Us! it seems.  Today I am breathing smoke, need to go out for food wearing a mask which might protect against a virus as well as the smoke, but only to a tiny degree, am reading about political controversy and bickering, and two people have informed me that they cannot find these reports on Facebook.  Although I have been faithfully posting them every day.  

Desperadoes:  The people in some Gulf Coast states are worried about high winds and flooding.  Those in Western states are breathing too much smoke and worried about a possible resurgence of fires.  Many are weary of face masks and the pandemic to the point of despair or repugnance and rebellion.  Huge numbers are worried about the election in November and not feeling peace of mind until it is over.  We are the desperadoes.

2020:  This is 20 in the Tarot, Judgment, and 20 in the Tarot, The Last Judgment.  (The card has both names.)  It sure feels like the angel is getting ready to blow that trumpet.  "Blow, Gabriel, Blow!" Desperadoes may be glad to hear you.

And I am an astrologer.  How to explain all this?  Well, start with Saturn.  I knew of a very successful astrologer who said that she always began her work with a client by looking at Saturn in the client's birth-chart.  It is the Big Baddie in conventional astrological thinking, though it has been rehabilitated by astrologers such as Liz Greene who wrote a book about its "nicer" meanings.  At any rate, it is the challenging planet, few would dispute.  Well, since December 2019, three planets have been in the sign of Capricorn, Saturn's sign---Jupiter, Saturn (which is very strong there because enthroned), and Pluto.  That continues until December 17-19, 2020, when both Saturn and Jupiter leave Capricorn for Aquarius.  It's quite amazing that they both do that within two days of each other.  Is that the beginning of a "new age" or something better?  Well, hold on, because Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn, according to the ancients, though also by Uranus according to us moderns.  

However, this is not the whole story.  Perhaps even more dire has been the square between Mars and Saturn.  These are the two "malefic" planets according to the ancients, that is, trouble makers or, rather, indicators of the most difficult challenges for us as human beings.  The square and opposition are the hardest aspects.  So it is not hard to see that a square between these two is "bad news" for "the easy life," though it could be "good news" for those who revel in suffering or enjoy difficulties so they can triumph over them. Interestingly, Tom Ellis, the star of Lucifer, has an exact square between these two in his birth-chart!  He claims he is not evil, yet revels in his role as "the punisher."  

The square between these two is happening (a) while Mars is in his own sign, Aries, strengthening him, and (b) Saturn is in its own sign, strengthening it, and (c) Mars has been slowing down, stationary, and turning direct, which it does very gradually, and it is very strong, or strengthened, when it is very slow.  He turned retrograde September 9 while within three degrees of that square, and shall turn direct on November 13.  After that he again forms  the square with Saturn from December 18 until February 15.   This is a very rare long-term aspect and we might say that it is a major reason for all the suffering and dis-ease or desperation people are experiencing.  Will it be less difficult during the December 18-February 15 period because then Mars will be in Taurus rather than Aries?  Let us hope so.  

But before that, we have a Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch beginning this coming Wednesday the 23rd.  It happens to begin the day of the Autumnal Equinox.  The three presidential debates will occur during that Slow or Dark period, and the election itself (Mercury is stationary turning direct the day of the election).  

Here is the Hermetic Epoch timing:
Bright Hermetic Epoch began July 26 . . . Dark H E begins September 23 . . . (Mercury retrograde October 13 through November 2, the core of the DHE) . . . DHE ends November 18 . . . New Bright Hermetic Epoch begins November 19 (until January 15, 2021)

Is Gabriel blowing that horn?  Will it be a very long and repeated blast while the election is challenged and ballots are counted and recounted?  I know my current limits as an astrologer and shall not try to predict the details but they may be as confusing as many already think they may turn out to be. And will the pandemic ease up in late November to March, if not sooner?  I would think so but shall not make a prediction.  We all want it to be sooner, and I believe in the power of prayer and positive thinking.  (For believers, that is the power of G*d and of one's cultivated relationship to Him.)  

All that is to try to answer the question many would ask of an astrologer, "When will things get better?"  I am sorry that I cannot be more specific than that, but it might provide a framework within which to think about what is happening.

Some happy things about the Dark or Slow or Imponderable Hermetic Epoch beginning Wednesday the 23rd:  

Ability to probe into the past.  Happy memories.  Enlightening visions of the past.  Possibly memories of past lives.  An ability to be in touch with the souls or higher selves of those who have passed on.  Psychic phenomena of all sorts.  A sense that one is in more than one dimension at the same time.  

Thinking of and getting in touch with old friends or relatives.  Reliving things to experience them more deeply with higher awareness of what they mean.  Spiritual stamina, and spiritual openings into higher worlds or awarenesses.  Sorting out old books or papers and getting order in things which are "old business" before it gets out of hand.  Hashing out fascinating possible agendas or big plans with people, but remaining aloof from implementing them until the next BHE when things will be clearer.  

Realizing that time includes past, present, and future.  Sensing the meaning of eternity.  Rectifying old errors, perhaps apologizing for them.  Well, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, happens soon (Sunday and Monday September 27-28), and those not of the Hebrew faith can celebrate it as well by looking into themselves to sense how they can be their better selves.  Under the review of the Supreme One, of course.

Cosmic Piper

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