Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Message for Wednesday 1 April 2020

Wednesday 1 April 2020

~Singing Through the Unexpected~

Moon in Cancer
|Karmically serious or sobering third of this week| is here until Friday evening (based on the relations of Luna and Saturn)

Cruel despotism may be evident in some places.  It seems to have decreased over the centuries, but there is still way too much of it.  What is happening to prisoners around the globe and in the U. S., for example, during this pandemic?  Are they being neglected?  That would be cruel despotism, especially because so many prisoners here and elsewhere are unjustly imprisoned for things they haven't done (look at the records of the Innocence Project if you need to be convinced of that).  What about the people of India? Probably Narendra Modi has the finest of motives, yet "sheltering in place" for 21 days seems draconian, especially to those in extreme poverty, of whom there are millions.  Is the Indian government being cruel, or is it merely being perceived that way by some?  The symbol is "A powerful man holding a scourge and driving two slaves in manacles."  Some employees of Amazon, for example, may feel the "slave-driver" is Jeff Bezos, for they are being asked to work extra hours to meet the huge demand for deliveries when people can't shop at regular outlets.  Yet many in governments and hospitals around the world are doing the best they know how, "A military officer mounted on a fine-looking charger, with sword in hand, on the top of a hill as if on look-out."  Charubel says this denotes "a strategist, one competent to organize a multitude or an army."  That is happening, even if by fits and starts. 

"An unexpected thunderstorm" would not be surprising during a |difficult third of the week|, either literal or metaphoric.  What seems accidental has roots in karma and in kindly teaching, that is, the cosmos shakes us up a little to teach us something we have failed to learn otherwise.  That will prevent worse things from happening.  Things come to a dramatic head so that we may shape them toward a desired end.  Then when the climax has passed we may relax into watching "bubbles floating in the air" or some kind of superficial entertainment. Or make an April Fool joke!

Still, our basic efforts could raise us to dignity, honor, and reward, "A man at the summit of a mountain illumined by the setting sun, holding a staff and crown."  The nebulous character of working arrangements at present invests them with a certain glamor (Mercury conjoined to Neptune in Pisces).  When done with a job we may be like "Gondoliers in a serenade," participating in the stream of events sentimentally.  In some Italian cities, dwellers in apartment buildings have opened their windows and serenaded one another, singing together from a safe distance!  A fine example.

{Wednesday}  ~Singing Through the Unexpected~

Cosmic Piper

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