Friday, March 20, 2020

Message for Weekend and Foreshadowings of the coming Epoch, March 30 - June 1

Foreshadowings of the coming Epoch, March 30 through June 1, 2020

First, in terms of long-term forecasting, for four decades I have been emphasizing the Hermetic Epochs, or Mercury cycles, as my basic astrological way of dividing time for human beings on this planet.  These are either Bright (fast Mercury) or Dark (slow Mercury) and they show basic trends toward either confusion or clarification, at one level.  At other levels they show positive spiritual things, but when there is a pandemic, not many are going to be thrilled were I to say"There are spiritual gains from being sick."  But the fact remains that the current Dark Epoch began February 2 and ends March 29, so the fact is that VERY EVIDENTLY AND CLEARLY THE PANDEMIC IS HITTING MOST COUNTRIES, INCLUDING THE U. S.,  EXACTLY DURING THE DARK HERMETIC EPOCH.  (Yes, it began earlier in China.) Will someone at last give me credit for discovering this phenomenon (in 1979)?  No one had heard about it until then. I have explained that and re-explained it in these posts for more than twenty years.  Today is not the time to re-re-re-explain it. 

Yes, things are "worse" in appearance during those times.  Hurricanes, fires, other disasters, the "hanging chad" presidential election of 2000, 9/11/2001, the assassination of JFK, are only the beginning, and I have been pointing out this phenomenon for two decades.  Will people listen finally?  I doubt it.

So, I have to say that, no matter what happens, things should "get somewhat better" at least during the next Bright Hermetic Epoch which begins March 30.  But of course that does not mean that there will be a miracle cure for the illness that day, or the following week.  It may be merely that people are learning how to deal with the crisis in a better way and some of the restrictions will be eased selectively, and the government will come through with financial help for many or all, and so on.  There are always some difficult aspects. My high school math teacher used to ask us, "What, you want egg in your beer?"  

Yes I am looking for that "egg" in the chart for March 30 through June 1, the next Epoch.  It does in fact look better than the current one not only because it is Bright (fast Mercury) but because the proportion of "good" or easy aspects is greater than it was in the previous epoch.  Adding them up according to my personal formula I get this:

DHE, February 2 - March 29:  minus 21
BHE, March 30 - June 1:  plus 36

Of course this is a rule of thumb.  We are in this together and astrology cannot provide a certain answer any more than medicine and government have been able to provide certain answers.  Let's think positively, hope and pray.

The moon was void-of-course today (Friday) during the presidential press conference when he and several of his medical experts gave their testimony as to possible drugs to be tried and other advances.  None of this was utterly certain, as they admitted. The moon remains void-of-course as I write and so I am saying things which are tentative, as best I know how.  I said in the forecast for today that "not exposition but creativity as in poetry or music" might be better during this particular void-of-course period.  And so I am going to be personally creative tonight rather than write more here.  Be well.

One final thing:  Venus and Mars are now in a trine which lasts throughout April and into May, as I have reported previously.  This is of course good for romance, love, love-relations between or within the sexes.  That can go on apart from crowds.  Also it can be more subtle, in personal enjoyment of the arts, music, drama, comedy, and so on.  It is happening.  It is one reason younger people are having such a hard time obeying these "stay home" mandates.  We all cope in our own ways.

Weekend Data:

Saturday 21 March
/moon is void-of-course in Aquarius until it
enters Pisces at 5:34a PT | 8:34a ET | 12:34p UT

Sunday 22 March
Moon remains in Pisces (forming smooth aspects with Venus and Jupiter increasing into the evening so moods may be pleasant)

Cosmic Piper

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