Thursday, March 12, 2020

Message for Friday 13 March 2020

Friday 13 March 2020

~Graceful in Defeat, Expectant in Composure~

Moon in Scorpio (no longer in the Via Combusta during waking hours in the Western Hemisphere)

Scorpio is a money-and-investment sign, and the moon there is in good aspect to all the planets in Capricorn (four) and Pisces (two)  Does that mean that the Market's downward plunge will be reversed?  I have found it unwise to predict the stock market, as have many others using conventional approaches.  I did predict that "things will get better" starting today, and better still beginning the 20th, and better yet beginning the 30th.  I stand by that.  Whether it means big progress in controlling the virus, or big progress in restoring calm to the markets, or both, I am not sure, but I am hopeful.  I believe you will feel better about things.

We will try to see more about trends in tomorrow's report for the coming week.

Friday:  Will the "Friday the 13th" bugaboo prevent investors from "buying the dip" and bringing up Market prices?  Nobody can say for sure.  If it's still too early for "market normalcy," perhaps it will begin on the 20th.  Bear markets always precede very bullish ones.  But it sometimes takes four months or so for the new trend to begin in earnest. However, please ignore any stock-market advice you get from me or anyone!  Usually "buy and hold" works best, if you ask Warren Buffett.

The symbols for the day are mixed.  "A sorrowing man subjected to harrowing trials" sounds like us, or like victims of the virus, or those who have lost huge amounts in the market.  Harvey Weinstein is not the only one who feels imprisoned. This symbol was also in the weekly chart.  So was "A general accepting defeat gracefully," which applies not only to Bernie Sanders but to many investors and businesspersons.  The "gracefully" part is what we have control over.  

If we are stalwart souls we will be like the "man habited in rough clothes hewing timber close to a log hut."  Being peacefully employed in labor or "useful arts" we both adapt ourselves to circumstances and shape our world from what nature has given us.  Utility is rooted in common sense yet is a way of cooperating with the Creator.  We cultivate the potentials among which we find ourselves and take charge of our private world, as if on "an inhabited island."  (We are being told to be alone much of the time in all the media.)

Whether losing money or gaining it, we might become idle and self-indulgent, overdoing a natural celebration of the work week's end.  Then we would bring trouble upon ourselves from the Nature we are trying to exploit.  Or our eagerness could be more innocent, like "a child of about five with a huge shopping bag."  This kid expects anything and everything from the world, but when his bag is full he will share some of it with companions, exalting enjoyment in everyone.

{Friday}  ~Graceful in Defeat, Expectant in Composure~

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  I hope you will often re-read these reports late at night or on the following day, to see how their indications applied to your experience.  For example, I had forgotten that in the report for Thursday I pretty much predicted the huge 10 per cent drop in the Dow:  "Unexpected, disastrous, and explosive loss is possible.  (I thought we had had enough of that this week.)"  Indeed, it was the worst drop in the Dow since October 1987.  I got that wording from one of the daily symbols.  I have learned to trust them.

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