Monday, March 16, 2020

Message for Tuesday 17 March 2020

Tuesday 17 March 2020

\Through Intense Feelings Toward Stability/

Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until Friday morning

Obviously there is a worldwide health crisis, but in astrological terms there is an even greater "work crisis" or "career challenge."  That is probably because the virus itself does not hit nearly as many people as the strategies to fight it do, that is, their disruption of ordinary scheduling and business and cash flow.  Businesses are hurting and having to reorganize, as are individuals who are professionals or temps or even those retired.  "What is my purposive function in society?" is a question everyone is trying to answer, probably without words but as trying to sense what one's mission is, what is worth doing.  This of course will be easier after the vernal equinox on the ^20th and even easier after the new Bright Hermetic Epoch begins on the ^30th, as I have been saying.  Those could be milestone points for you.

Meanwhile, in today's symbols, you may be that "general accepting defeat gracefully."  That means realistic practicality.  Rather than immediately starting another battle (maybe involving business, job or money) doomed to failure, you take a pause to determine what is expedient, and stay with that for the time being.  There is also "a girl bathing surreptitiously in the nude," and because of the pandemic she does not want you to see her, but nevertheless there could be love peeking around various corners because Venus and Mars have begun a long-term trine, effective by ten degrees from March 10 through May 14.  This may be felt more strongly in the (this time) affectionate month of April.  

Lofty inspirations lead to mental speculation.  Scholarship of the right sort elevates humanity.  Many college students are now being forced to study online from their homes.  This is cumbersome (Dark Hermetic Epoch until March 30) but could still result in wonderful insights.  At another level, there is the search for a cure for the virus.  This could go well although the results remain on hold.  At a still higher level there is the search for the spiritual healing of illness, which many face most deeply when actually ill.  I cannot say I am grateful for illnesses I have had, but some of them have helped me learn how to pray.  Man's extremity can be God's opportunity.  "A serpent standing erect within a circle of fire" learns from the ordeal to rise beyond the suffering.  "He will take life at a crisis and turn it back from the Gates of Death."  May such divine healing be the lot of all who have been infected. 

Those not infected who want some lighter moments in their lives may be genial and convivial. In having a good time they might go too far, losing control of desires which are like "a wine glass overturned."  This is a familiar story.  Escape of a legitimate sort does not have to turn into a fiasco.  Rather there can be justice, peace, liberality; fraternity or sorority.  "Good works" for others do not have to be virtue-conscious burdens but can be light and free, easily shared, a grace of friendly interaction.  If that has to be at a distance for awhile, okay. 

{Tuesday}  /Through Intense Feelings Toward Stability\

Cosmic Piper

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