Wednesday, October 2, 2019

This Month of Libra -- Special Report and Insight

The Month of Libra, September 23 through October 22

I have a special affection for the month of Libra (September 23 through October 22). Yet it is a peculiar whirlwind month. Some of the worst stock market crashes have occurred then---in 1929 and 1987 and 2008. And the market has gone down considerably in the past two days (October 1-2). It's called "volatility" and Libra is an air sign so it is something like recurrent unpredictable wind storms.  Yet this can be exhilarating. As for the market, the ride is up, down, up, but with more extreme variations usually.

It is somehow a travel month, and I usually get a travel urge then, as if I were in a flock of migrating birds headed South. It is ruled by Venus, so it is a "love month" in some way or other. New experiences call, as if one were a freshman in college. 

It can, at worst, be a legal month, unless you love legalities or are a lawyer---witness the fact that impeachment got started just when it began this year. Some Democrats say they want to finish the process by October or November, and Mars will be in Libra until November 19. No predictions about what that means; Libra is the scales or the balance, and it is the wind; so the balance veers back and forth, as anyone can see who reads the news. I am trying not to be obsessive about keeping up with each subpoena, document, reported phone call, charge and accusation. It is too much. Don't we have our own lives to handle? Yet what are "our own" lives? Libra is a point in the zodiac, and in life, where our lives interlock or interact with the lives of everyone else. In that sense it is the opposite of Aries, the Spring sign which is one of individuality (fire, as symbolized by the sun). The sun is "exalted" in Aries---individuality---while in Libra it is "in its fall." And look what a very individualistic leader is doing---"falling"---at least symbolically and temporarily. (No predictions about impeachment. Some believe that the Democrats are making a mistake and are the ones who will take the fall.) 

I note that the health problem of Bernie Sanders which put him in the hospital is occurring on the first day of the five-degree-orb square of the sun with Saturn. Likewise many of us may feel that taking care of ourselves is crucial. Actually that square is with us for this whole month of Libra. Is the sun's square with Saturn "bad"? No, but critical. It was going on the month JFK was assassinated and the month of 9/11/2001. What could have prevented either of those tragedies? I cannot say, but this aspect is a warning signal. Basically, the warning is always "Get right with G*d." 

But since Libra is ruled by Venus we can get excited or thrilled by human interactions. This can be in sports or masculine activities or the military as well as in feminine ones such as fashion. People "check each other out" or are fascinated by one another or "have to be" at parties or sporting events or political rallies or whatever gets them going. It's an interesting month. Decisions? They are dicey. Too much to do. Too many people to interact with. Flirtation without commitment? Often. Or commitment lurking within flirtation? Maybe. 

Libra seems to be a search for self which vanishes into other selves.

Cosmic Piper

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