Sunday, October 6, 2019

Message for Monday 7 October 2019

Monday 7 October 2019

}Magical Laziness{

Moon in Aquarius

We have escaped the |karmically serious or sobering third| of this week, which is now hitting the weekends (for the rest of this year almost). The next one shall be from very late Friday evening, October 11, through Sunday October 13. I felt it this past weekend as depression and anomie, not wanting to do much of anything; I tried to recover through spiritual study, succeeded to a degree, and got a few important things done. Sadly, there were more shootings in America, which occur more often during these periods.

Monday: "A fat pig lying down does nothing, but holds the ends of two ropes connected to a pole floating magically above in the air." This boar, not boring, can work magic. Maybe she or he is the one Charlotte the spider wrote about in her web: "Some pig!" And so we might get positive results from minor actions, or be "spiritually lazy" as some teachers seem to have recommended. Or rather, physically lazy while spiritually, invisibly, active. 

"Men cutting through ice" clear the way for benefits for the community, yet their "popularity proves ephemeral" because after said community gets the benefits, they forget who made them possible. So we need to inure ourselves to thanklessness from those we aid or work for, and trust providential laws of nature to be on our side. Also we could remind ourselves to be grateful to the workers who support us. 

Reminiscent of the pig, a man sleeps upon a bundle of clothes while above him a vulture hovers. We may neglect things too much, to the point of danger. When the man wakes up, instead of going to work he links arms with two women and off they go wandering. They flatter him, he them, while together they seek self-indulgence.

"Three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head" suggest that while we may resemble the pig, or the wandering philanderer, yet we are thinking deeply. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis are the dialectical progress of thought, according to would-be Hegelians (though the essence of Hegel goes beyond that). There's something exalting about our thoughtful, creative laziness, if such it be, and we sense "The dawn of a new day, everything changed."

{Monday} {Magical Laziness}

Cosmic Piper

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