Thursday, October 17, 2019

Message for Friday 18 October 2019

Friday 18 October 2019

}Sorting Out Appropriate Affinities{

Moon in Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:15p PT | 10:15p ET | 2:15a(Sa) UT
The |Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 11:28p PT | 2:28a(Sa) ET | 6:28a(Sa) UT and lasts until Monday morning

One reaches out for contacts while one is secure or even cloistered at home. There is an obsessive focus on whatever might lead one to a masterful life.

In preparing the soil for a better age for humanity, we meet those who oppose us honestly, straightforwardly seeking communication.

With fine perceptions, you are very alert to what is going on around you. So you might go to extremes when dueling or fencing with anyone, wanting to win and not admitting an equal. 

Then there are those who are really your friends, and you need to realize how true they are to you despite any appearance or misperception. Otherwise you may be like the man "hesitating to trust himself on a wooden bridge." Suspicion, doubt or fear could prevent smooth cooperation. Rather, you could accept honest risks and gain success by demonstrating your competency, like "A canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters." 

Loneliness is more an appearance than a reality. You are a tower of strength in your taciturn way, relying on your own counsel, but this gives you respect and regard. Your stability wins over those who feel somewhat akin to you. In their company you feel more jovial and convivial, attracting and forming friendships. Expressing yourself honestly inspires those around to do the same spontaneously.

{Friday}  {Sorting Out Appropriate Affinities}

Cosmic Piper

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