Saturday, October 19, 2019

Message for Sunday 20 October 2019

Sunday 20 October 2019

~Grace's Path to Humaneness and Honor~

Moon in Cancer
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues (until Monday at 12:40p PT | 3:40p ET | 7:40p UT, a little later than I had estimated in earlier reports)

Cruel people are usually cowards because they hurt only the defenseless. Sometimes they are employers, a step above slave owners. As for yourself, you may feel you are inured to arduous and simple work, and that is just the way it is. Service is pointed out by all great spiritual teachers as a path to the Divine. That is not always the same as submitting to obvious exploitation, but if that should be one part of one's journey on the path one probably cannot escape it. It is slow release from karma through humble dharma.

The "professor peering over his glasses" is a different breed, seeking combat with his academic peers as part of his professional calling. Such intellectual strife is not meaningless if it leads to clearer and finer perceptions in all who partake of it. Or, if it is just overbearing eccentric contention, it has no reward but transitory highs for the ego.

At a deeper level we may come to appreciate "A cup or goblet from which rays of ruddy light are emitted." Then we are eager to befriend and comfort those in distress, rising toward spiritual loftiness and humaneness.  Then we may perceive that we have unknowingly, through divine grace, arrived at a position of honor and power. 

{Sunday}  ~Grace's Path to Humaneness and Honor~

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  As I have reported, the current Dark Hermetic Epoch, or Slow Mercury Epoch, or Inward Epoch, or Epoch of Review and Reconstitution, began October 11th and extends through December 6th. It has various phases. We have been in what is often the least intense phase of it for nine days and now on Sunday we enter the next more-intense phase, because beginning today Mercury is moving slower than the sun (that is, slower than the sun seems to be moving because of our orbit around it). I am already feeling the symptoms. They are good! If we learn to use them for good. If I awaken people to this one fact of astrology, or to the fact of the weekly |Karmically serious or sobering third|, I will have accomplished something worth doing. We need to learn how to use these difficult periods for good. Being aware of them allows that much more effectively! 

I have written so extensively about what the Dark Hermetic Epoch means, over the past 20 years (these reports began in 1999), that I really ought to go back and copy here some of what I have written. What I notice right now is: A tendency to think about the past, about people who are no longer in your life, as if they were still with you. A tendency to do things "out of pattern," to eat at different times than usual, maybe sleep at different times, manipulate your schedule in new ways, and so on. A tendency to want to figure out something new which has to be based on studying the past (as all study is based), and so a tendency to ponder, muse, research, and so on. All these things are good. We just need to learn to be awake while we are doing them so nothing gets out of kilter. For example, using different schedules in your work, if possible, can be good. But quitting a job might be very bad, except in unusual circumstances. Usually it is better to struggle on with one's current situation rather than "bail." The same with a relationship, and so on. There will be more to say about this during the next six weeks . . .

H H H / C P

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