Sunday, October 20, 2019

Message for Monday 21 October 2019

Monday 21 October 2019

^Careful Varied Approaches^

Moon in Cancer-->Leo
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:40a PT | 8:40a ET | 12:40p UT
until it enters Leo at 9:30a PT | 12:30p ET | 4:30p UT

We don't call people "derelicts" any more, and wisely so. But it really means someone who has abandoned life, is "derelict" in duty or ambition. However, to the "derelict" one, it seems that life has abandoned him, that the world is "derelict." In any case he may feel like "a battered hulk lying upon the seashore." However, there are always warnings before one gets in such a condition, "rock formations at the edge of a precipice." One endures what one has to endure, and at some moments there are sudden warnings that one must change course to avoid disaster. Yet risks are necessary, and one must accept challenging difficulties.  

One considers one's "position in the world." "Humanity seeking to bridge the span of knowledge" means that one realizes that knowledge is one factor in one's position. But "a woman standing on the head of a serpent" is a sort of sagacity disguised as feminine weakness, fascinating power (the power of fascinating someone). Rationality plus such emotional seductiveness can advance toward goals with exaggerated confidence.

Work in seclusion is a keynote. This is indeed labor, yet has a spiritual satisfaction within it, and promises remote rewards. At last the "miners emerge from the mine" and escape with what they have earned. Dogged effort develops strength of character as well as ultimate material gain.  This last has something childlike about it. 

{Monday}  ^Careful Varied Approaches^

Cosmic Piper

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