Monday, October 28, 2019

Message for Tuesday 29 October 2019

Tuesday 29 October 2019

^Reinvigorated Adventuring^

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:36a PT | 1:36p ET | 5:36p UT
until it enters Sagittarius at 3:00p PT | 6:00p ET | 10:00p UT

Those "revengeful, treacherous and cruel" are likely to be noticeable, or suffered at times, while three planets are in Scorpio (plus the moon therein until the time above). Politics has been "revengeful, treacherous, and cruel" to an unusual extent in the USA. But there are positive, liberating influences: "A naked boy, a crown on his head, a sceptre in his hand." He is innocent yet dignified, and could become great in the future. This could be a young person you know, and yourself if so you choose. 

Memory or reminiscence is a source of interpersonal pleasure when shared, as at "a Grand Army of the Republic campfire." A person who has wielded authority, like "a warrior plumed haranguing a multitude of soldiers," is moved by the group spirit which embraces both himself and his subjects. Her persuades them to noble deeds by exhortation. 

You are looking for something, researching, yet this something is as much in the past as the present or future, for it is ensconced in your memories while it inspires you to recapture it somehow. You are like "a retired sea captain" who however is contemplating fresh adventures anchored in the completed ones. 

{Tuesday}  ^Reinvigorated Adventuring^

Cosmic Piper

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