Thursday, October 10, 2019

Message for Friday 11 October 2019

Friday 11 October 2019

~Reduced Expectations Allow Recalibration~

Moon in Pisces-->Aries
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:56a PT | 5:56a ET | 9:56a UT
until it enters Aries at 9:47p PT | 12:47a(Sa) ET | 4:47a(Sa) UT
This is the first day of a Dark Hermetic Epoch, or Slow Mercury Epoch, lasting until December 7

Yes, it could be difficult, with Mercury slowing down and the moon void-of-course. And Saturday and Sunday will be |karmically serious| days. We had better calm down, reduce expectations, be glad to be alive, and do what is essential while praying for orientation in accord with the Divine Will and Plan.

Some "secret notion" we hold on to stubbornly might be actually mistaken and cause trouble for us. "Cleanse thou me from secret faults" prayed the Psalmist. 

There could be impatience with paperwork or calculations. Yet spiritual meditation could be uplifting.

Laboring hard is not what we want but even on a Friday may be necessary. 

Interpersonal relations can be dicey with Venus opposite Uranus, but her sextile with Saturn helps us to find "Faith, Hope, and Charity."

People obviously have differing opinions and yet we can state our own without that being utterly pointless or superficial. If it produces no obvious result, still it clarifies our ideas.

Those whose anger seems lasting are nevertheless human and susceptible to more gentle vibrations and so a sweet, kindly yet persuasive approach might work. 

In regard to career, it may seem that nothing works, that people oppose you at every turn. You are doing something which helps others but gets little recompense. Yet you are improving your techniques and that in itself is a benefit.

You desire to do something unusual. You seek beauty and perhaps the opposite sex, or the same sex if that is your predilection.  The symbol "An ancient signboard before an inn" suggests a place where you can relax and find something stimulating. Some things increase their value over the years. Even then you may be thinking of something you want to straighten out in your job or a project.

{Friday}  ~Reduced Expectations Allow Recalibration~

Cosmic Piper

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