Thursday, October 3, 2019

Message for Friday 4 October 2019

Friday 4 October 2019

\Dualities Balanced in Developing Purpose/ 

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us (until late Sunday evening)
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:35a PT | 3:35a ET | 7:35a UT
until it enters Capricorn at 10:44a PT | 1:44p ET | 5:44p UT

Much of moment seems to be going on. One feels that one ought to be able to move and change things, get things going, but somehow it feels that one is held back. One is sensitive, honest and fair in transactions. "Opportunity missed" might be merely "opportunity delayed" so one can continue to plan, hope, and try.

One is passionate about some matters when one feels captive to others' contrary opinions. So it is necessary to go through a "fiery ordeal" to escape limitations seemingly imposed from the outside. Yet ornamental and beautiful things or persons turn up to refine and gladden the situation.

A self-centered and worldly person plays a part in your life, "A fair woman looking at her face in a hand-glass." She or he may seem foolish yet flaunts herself or himself in a lighthearted and pleasing way. "A knight of the field" is prepared and poised for victory, has status and power. Here is one of the dualities of Libra, which now has both Mars and Venus nestling within it, as if opposites wanted to be united---but play at it rather than achieve it.  Sorting through trivial complications is essential. 

We can articulate what is crucial to us. This may mean seeing it or speaking of it or writing it down. We can project ourselves into a more whole-souled focus. Mars in Libra (the first day of that position) calls for decision, but constant re-decision also, that is, making endless choices throughout the day which seem separate and are only unified beneath the surface. One might call this "playing it by ear." "An eagle and a large white dove turning one into the other" brings out again the duality---the vain woman versus the knight of the field who yet somehow interact or cooperate. One can be adept at seeing into what is most important at each moment and thereby be realistically effective. 

{Friday}  /Dualities Balanced in Developing Purpose\

Cosmic Piper

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